At the end of this module, the student will be able to read and listen to documents of level B1 or B2 (CEF). The student will be able to express him/herself in French in different types of social and professional contexts. The student will be able to enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar and pertinent to everyday life (family, academic issues, current events...), he/she will be able to write texts of level B1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Main themes
To fulfil these objectives, teaching activity will focus on the following topics :
- listening to short, authentic documents (radio and TV programmes, songs) ;
- focus on verbs (morphology), past tenses, future and subjunctive, pronouns objects, "en", "y", relative clauses ;
- phonetics ;
- taking part in conversation, writing sketches ;
- oral presentations ;
- following a guided visit at the Federal Parliament ;
- outings;
- writing letters, summaries ;
- discovering Belgian and French-speaking cultures.

Content and teaching methods
Code and Title
FRAN 1300 - "Belgian cultures and actualities", an intermediate course.
- A course for students enrolled at the UCL (Erasmus and non Erasmus) who take FRAN 1300 as a faculty or as an
optional course as well as for free students (étudiants libres) who are not enrolled at the UCL.
- 8 ECTS
Pre-requisite: Level A2 in the four skills.
Number of hours, rythm, terms
120 h, 4 h / week, all the year.
At the end of the course, students are expected to have reached a B1 level (CEF) in writing and speaking, and a B2 level in reading and listening.
Methods and contents
The course is given in French by a native speaker in accordance to interactive communication. In this course, students:
- work on authentic documents;
- use and practise grammar in oral and written situations;
- take part in conversations;
- discover Belgian and French speaking cultures.
- Continuous assessment. Language tests, oral and written exercises
- Written and oral exam

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Oral placement test
Written and oral exam and several continuous assessments
Course notes, verbs and grammar book
titular teacher
This course corresponds to Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) for Reading, Listening, Spoken interaction, Spoken production and Writing.
Information specifically linked to a year of study
The entity managing the programmes
- specifies the years of study concerned by the activity of teaching in the programmes it manages
- attributes an ECTS value and specifies the compulsory feature or not of this activity for each year of study
ECTS value by default : 8 credits
defined by the responsible entity for the instructions
Titular professor :
Geneviève Briet , Jacqueline Pairon
Principally adressed year(s) of study
Open to all foreign students registered at University who have level A2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Master en sciences du travail
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Other credits in programs
Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil électricien
(3 credits)
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