At the end of the class, students should be able to :
- Determine the expected return of capital budgeting decisions,
- Estimate the economic value of a company based on the financial forecasts. Specifically, estimate the value of debt and equity.
- Analyse the fiscal impact of the financial decisions.

Main themes
Financial management aimed at introduce the students to the basics concept of corporate finance and of the relationship between firms and financial markets.
The course investigates the following items:
- Current assets and working capital management,
- Short term financing and long term financing. Capital increase and debt issues,
- Capital budgeting,
- Relationship between firms and financial markets,
- Mergers and acquisitions,
- Legal and fiscal aspects of the financing decisions.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite: Accounting and financial statements analysis.
Examination : work during the quarter and final written exams.
Documentation and books : Block et Hirt, " Foundations of Financial Management ", Irwin.
Pedagogic team : teachers and assistants

Other credits in programs
Première année de Maîtrise en sciences de gestion (orientation "méthodes quantitatives de gestion")
(7.5 credits)
Première année de maîtrise en sciences de gestion (Création d'entreprise)
(7.5 credits)
Première Ingénieur de Gestion
(7.5 credits)
Première Ingénieur de Gestion (Création d'entreprise)
(7.5 credits)
