This course is intended to students who have acquired the C1 level Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This course must be followed parallement to the courses of Spanish given by the faculty Philosophie et Lettres de l'UCL.
At the end of the course they are expected to have reached the C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
This course is mainly pratique. Its aim is to develop systematically the linguistic competences of students, giving more importance to the communicative competence, and to give a close cultural vision of the Spanish-speaking countries having into account the possibility of a linguistic stage (Erasmus or other) in a Spanish- speaking country or a future job there.

Main themes
This course is mainly pratique and seeks to help the student to be autonomous, mainly in the speaking and writing fields. This course wants to be eminently practical and to develop systematically the linguistic abilities of the students by various means of training. Here the goals to reach:
Reading Comprehension (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- Can understand any texts, but the use of a dictionary is occasionally necessary with specialized texts.
Listening Comprehension (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- Can understand oral speaking people and television or films without effort.
- Can follow a conversation between several native speakers and interactuate without effort.
Speaking Skills (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- Can tell past actions and stories easily with a clair and well-organised discourse.
- Can communicate his/her ideas, opinios, view point and wishes
- Can make clear and detailed descriptions.
Writing production (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- Can write a clear and well-organised text.
- Can develop a complexand structured subject, using the adecuate vocabulary.
- Can choose a style adapted to the destinataire.
- Can correctly address letters and CV.
(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
Masterise Spanish to an experimented user: consolidation and extension of vocabulary; consolidation of grammar and morphological structures. Correct ponounciation and entonation.
On level of all the above mentioned aptitudes, but particularly of speaking and of reading comprehension, the course proposes a process of sensitizing to the Spanish-speaking countries cultural expressions.

Content and teaching methods
- Course of 30h (2h per week) during 1st or 2nd semester
- Course 2nd cycle (FLTR)
- Course intended to students of FLTR BAC3.
- The students are supposed to have already reached a C1 level (higher). It is strongly advised to have followed the
course Espa1800 in BAC2 or to have already been in a linguistic stay in a Spanish-speaking country. The goal is to
reach the C2 level for the linguistic competences.
Objectives (in terms of competences):
- This course is intended to students who have acquired the C1 level Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages. This course must be followed in parallele with the courses of Spanish given by the Faculty of Arts
de l'UCL.
- At the end of the course they are expected to have reached the C2 level of the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages.
- This course is mainly pratical. Its aim is to develop systematically the linguistic competences of students, giving
more importance to the communicative competence, and to give a close cultural vision of the Spanish-speaking
countries having into account the possibility of a linguistic stage (Erasmus or other) in a Spanish- speaking country
or a future job there.
Course materials:
- the functional contents that relate to the world of work (to write a letter of candidature, to write a good CV in
Spanish, to write emails and letter-paper, to direct a meeting...)
- Situations of the everyday life which a foreigner in stay can be confronted to (to seek an apartment, to fix an
appointment, official presentations in a company...).
- Communicative exercises are mainly suggested, in different teaching supports (music, video, situations, role plays,
grammar exercises, forums in Internet...).
- The course places at the disposal of the student a syllabus as well as a repertory of addresses and a list of
material to support the autonomous training.
Continuous Assessment. Several works will be requested from the students throughout the year. An oral test will take place at the end of course: the students will have to show that they have assimilated the contents of the course by means of similar role plays to those made during the course and that they have a control of the grammatical contents and vocabulary.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Course intended to students of FLTR BAC3.
The students are supposed to have already reached a C1 level (higher). It is strongly advised to have followed the course Espa1800 in BAC2 or to have already been in a linguistic stay in a Spanish-speaking country. The goal is to reach the C2 level for the linguistic competences.
Course hours: 30 H
Autonomous work: 45 H
Continuous Assessment. Several works will be requested from the students throughout the year. An oral test will take place at the end of course: the students will have to show that they have assimilated the contents of the course by means of similar role plays to those made to the course and that they have a control of the grammatical contents and vocabulary.
Course materials
- the functional contents that relate to the world of work (to write a letter of candidature, to write a good CV in
Spanish, to write emails and letter-paper, to direct a meeting...)
- situations of the everyday life where a foreigner in stay can be confronted (to seek an apartment, to fix an
appointment, official presentations in company...).
Communicative exercises are mainly suggested, in different teaching supports (music, video, situations, role plays,
grammar exercises, forums in Internet...).
- The course places at the disposal of the student a syllabus as well as a repertory of addresses and a list of
material to support the autonomous training.
Pedagogical accompaniment
- Parts of the course are proposed via e-learning.
- the ideal number of students by group is of 15 maximun
- the teacher is available in his/her hours of reception
Teacher: Paula Lorente
Language: Spanish
Level: course 2nd cycle

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en histoire de l'art et archéologie
(3 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale
(3 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en langues et littératures françaises et romanes, orientation générale
(3 credits)
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Première licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3 credits)
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Master en sciences du travail (option européenne)
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