At the end of this project, the students will be able
- to conceive a small electrical circuit implementing resistors, capacitors, inductors, operational amplifiers, sources and answering to given specifications
- so simulate this circuit
- to realize this circuit and to test it by using standard measuring equipments.
Main themes
Identical to the contents of the course
Content and teaching methods
- To conceive a circuit answering to speficied requirements
- To modelize the circuit. Study of its DC, AC and transient response
- To simulate and optimize the circuit
- To realize and test the circuit
- To explain the differences between the simulated and tested results
- To study the limits of the model
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This project is scheduled in parallel with the following courses :
ELEC2350 : Electromagnetism
ELEC2370 : Electrical circuits and measurements
ELEC2755 : Electricity : advanced topics
A close interaction with these courses will be kept in order to ensure the coherence of the whole
Prerequisite : none
Assessment :
Continuous evaluation based on the work performed during the semester, the reports issued and the oral presentation of the work
Support :
Definition of the project and informations on the i-campus website of the course
Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil
(5 credits)
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