To look further into and diversify the techniques of evaluation and driving education directed towards the wellbeing and the balance of the person, by adapting them to the various ages and mediums. To make discover, include/understand and apply a methodology of animation and personal practice appropriate to this particular field of motricity.

Main themes
Widening of the field of the practices directed towards "being better" and a better management of the human resources: soft gymnastics, Eastern techniques, muscular chains, movement and nature. - observation and analyzes various fields of application: early childhood, adulthood, third age, in institution, medium of leisures, work environment. - exercise of adaptation of the matter and the communication to these various ages and mediums. - situation of the movement and the professional of the movement within the general framework of education to health.

Content and teaching methods
Physical activity for health adherence in age groups (from childhood to older adults)
Prochaska's stages of change model to increase the exercise adherence
Determinants and consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in physical activity (Vallerand & Grouzet, 2001)
Relationships among children's beliefs, perceptions of their parents' beliefs, and their exercise behaviors (Kimiecik, Horn & Shurin, 1996)
Physical activity guide of the Public Health Agency of Canada (example)
Physical activity monitor (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute)
Exercises and group's works
PowerPoint presentation in groups : choices and videos making about health related fitness activities (mainly flexibility activities and strength activities)
Advices to practice

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en éducation physique
(2.5 credits)
