To look further into the concepts studied and exerted at the time of the first three years the watery courses of education by applying them and testing in other watery disciplines.

Main themes
To make discover other activities and other means that sporting swimming to support watery education. Waterpolo - Diving under navy - sporting Rescue - aquagym - dive swims artistic - drive in sporting swimming

Content and teaching methods
The course is divided into module devoted to various watery disciplines: Waterpolo - Diving under navy - sporting Rescue - aquagym - dive swims artistic - drive in sporting swimming

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation continues of the student, knowledge being (desire for learning, for discovering, engagement in the activity...) as well as the knowledge to make, i.e. the level of expertise reached in the various disciplines approached. Nature of the framing: holder and assistant or technical adviser Meetings of exercises per series of 20 students

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en éducation physique
(1.5 credits)
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