To be able of: - Connaiître, so much from the point of view practises than theoretical the various principles of dance contemporaie (evolution of the styles and the representations of the body and the movement) - To create and D to structure a personal language danced - To know and use the relations between the danced movement, the music, the sound and silence - To include/understand and utilser elements of criticism and théatrale evaluation and teaching - To use methodological bases of enseigement in A matter

Main themes
- Widening of the technical and expressive luggage dea dance théatrale - Initiation with a methodology of the creativity - Knowledge of the repertory as well as methods of observation and evaluation (theory) - methodological Exercises of application

Content and teaching methods
Contents: contemporary dance: technique/creation/evaluation of studies of movement Methods: theory and practical is closely dependent, to refine the direction of the observation and to be able to evaluate

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-necessary to have experience and a sufficiently thorough knowledge of the contemporary dance (level: intermediary) or to have followed successfully courses EDPH 1120 and EDPH 1180) Evaluation: 1) specific evaluations on parts of the matter: dimensions which count for 1/3 of the final dimension 2) final evaluation, based on the composition of a work of composition to two or three: 1/3 of the final dimension 3) theoretical examination in writing: 1//3 of the final dimension Support: book of edge held by the student. Films vidéos of the specific and final services Framing: the holder, a technical adviser for the modern dance

Other credits in programs
Première licence en éducation physique
(2 credits)
