- To develop, modify and integrate body consciousness in the whole individual consciousness.
- To learn several easy and simple relaxation techniques as well as more complex techniques useful for everybody in the daily life.
- To discriminate different techniques applicable in specific situations.
- To know the psycho-physiological background of relaxation
- To integrate in a practical way the basic techniques and methods and to be able teaching and training motivated people (students, sportsmen¿) with efficacy.

Main themes
- Study of physiological and psychological backgrounds of relaxation from academic studies and scientific research
- according to the teacher's competences, different techniques are practiced; classical ones : Jacobson and Schultz (Autogenic Training) as well as YOGA, Sophrology (including visualisation -mental imagery- and meditation) and others¿; an overview of other techniques is given
- behavioural applications of relaxation : stress management and development of typical attitudes in daily life (calm and serenity)
- applications and pitfalls of relaxation in some specific situations : education, sport, medicine (preventive and curative)
- integration of simple practices to be able teaching and training with efficacy.

Content and teaching methods
Relaxation methods include classical techniques (Jacobson, Schultz, Yoga and related techniques); according to the teacher's competences, different techniques (global ones or more specific ones) are detailed and practiced in a double perspective : at one hand, memorizing exercises and integrating the body consciousness experience by practical experiences and, at the other hand, discovering the meaning, the applications and theoretical background behind those practices.
Training include specific applications, indications, evaluation and pitfalls of relaxation techniques: how to manage stress, how to become calm with serenity; methods to learn and apply easily. Different applications are overviewed : in sports, in learning, in medical field (prevention and treatment).
Grading : Practical abilities of students are tested during the lectures ; they also develop a file related to the course and answer to specific questions (written reports)
This course is given in a training room with standing, sitting or lying (on table or mattress) exercises.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en éducation physique
(1.5 credits)
