To train the future bachelors with the reality of the world socio-policy in which they will be brought to work. The student will be also informed on the place that y take the sporting physical activities and of the active leisures.

Main themes
The course will contain description and analyzes place, operation and communication of the sector of the sports activities and leisures in the contemporary companies; opinions, attitudes, practices and stakes socio-policies in report/ratio and according to: - institutional executives where they are held, of the national level at the international level including the integration of the sporting institutions and the leisures within the Belgian institutional framework. - groups and social categories and their practices. - actors of the sectors merchant and noncommercial which organize them. - policies of setting in oeubre, main roads, regional, Community and local. Incidence of the political model on the design and the organization of the sports and the leisures. - evolution of the concepts of sport and leisure from antiquity to our days and in particular since the industrial revolution.

Content and teaching methods
Approach (understanding and critical) and contextualisation (institutional, socio-policy, communication) of achievements (public, associative and private) in the field of the physical and sporting activities. - Sociological approach of the collective physical practices (10h). - New paradigmatic structuring of the study of the physical activity (1,5h). - the organization socio-policy, institutional of the sport on the levels national and international (7,5h). - professional sporting organizations (5h) - the communication (process and strategies) of the sporting organizations (15h). - sporting information (right, access, contained...) and the marchandisation of the sporting events (75h).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Basic concepts of sociology acquired in second candidature. + 3 ects: personal project Evaluation: oral examination and writing. No. of students per hour if an oral examination: 4

Other credits in programs
Première licence en éducation physique
(8 credits)
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