- To bring to the physical professor of education the basic concepts of the psychology of the growth in its aspects psychomotor, cognitive, emotional, social and moral. - To allow the physical teacher to animate physical and sporting activities in the seniors as well in institution as into private.

Main themes
- psychomotor Development of the birth to the senescence. - Development cognitive, social, moral and emotional and their explanatory theories according to Piaget, Walloon, Staats... and articulations of these various sectors between them. - Periods of the life and ageing. - Objectives of physical education in the seniors. - Characteristics of ageing: disturbances and attitudes of the organizer vis-a-vis those. - Application of the profiles physical, psychic and social of the old person and attitudes of the organizer vis-a-vis those. - Interest and motivations of the old person with regard to the physical activities. - Establishment of the physical activities. - Inventory and tests of evaluation of the physical possibilities of the seniors. - physical and sporting Activities: styles of animation and characteristic of the meetings.

Content and teaching methods
Keys to analyse theories
Concepts definitions (growth, aging, development; age groups,¿)
Organic, motor, psychological, affective and social evolutions (Piaget, Wallon, Staats, Erikson, Vygotsky, Bowlby, Ainsworth)
Major changes in organic systems related to age
Differential growth and ageing process and effects of exercise training on differential ageing
Exercise adherence in older age groups
Body's image evolution during the life for example body's image change in adolescence.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course include/understand two parts of 22H30 ' each one. Close coordination with Education and psychomotor rehabilitation (45 hours) and Motricity adapted for the first part. Close coordination with Movement and Health (90 hours) of EDPH 21-22 for the second part.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en éducation physique
(4.5 credits)
