To understand the contributions of psychology to the models and methods of criminology and the study of delinquency.

Main themes
To specify on what carries and of what the step of psychology consists to deal with the psychological significance of the delinquency.
To locate its anthropological, epistemological and methodological bases.
To question the difference delinquency not-delinquency.
To distinguish clinical research and the scientific inquiry or the experimental investigation.

Content and teaching methods
With the reading of major and representative authors, the course will examine the historical structuring of the personality, its modes of organization and operation; misadventures of the report/ratio to the anthropological laws and the social rules; methods of connection and racking with others; production of the value sense and the reference to the values; development of the "self image" and of the identification processes; the development of the socialization and the capacities of moral judgement; crime process.
Training Exercises will be organized per series, in complementarity with the lecturing
Training exercises are organized to complement the lecture portion.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation : oral exam.

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Licence en criminologie
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Other credits in programs
Licence en sciences psychologiques
(6 credits)
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