One of the main objectives is the development of the students' assessment and their use of imagination when facing a situation which, even if governed by a written rule, can however be understood in different ways, or a situation whose status needs to be defined using the common law rules because of a lack of specific regulation. Students need to be able to identify the multiple aspects of a juridical situation. For example, an analysis of the co-ownership of buildings requires an examination of not only the rights of the owners, but also of the rights of the property developer, the occupiers, and the building managers.

Main themes
Topics analysed during the lessons are different every year; the choice takes into account the views of students.. Topics may go beyond the sphere of property law whenever it is necessary to take into account different aspects of a situation (e.g. fiscal, town planning, contracts, etc.). The programme for this course is less about teaching students information than about trying to make them develop a constructive, critical mind. As far as possible, students interact with specialised practitioners of the chosen topic. This teaching method is not consistent with the use of a textbook.

Content and teaching methods
Since 2003, the course method has changed. Different topics are treated (problems with neighbours , co-ownership, property of public authorities, expropriation, restrictions on private property, etc.).
Two lessons are given to deal with each topic:
- the first one is a main lesson/lecture immediately followed by a written test (students may have notebooks with them during the test)
- the second one is an interactive lesson.
The homework to be done before the interactive lesson is confined to the careful reading of a text of around 10 pages. The exam consists of oral commentary of a judicial decision, chosen by the teacher.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The exam consists of oral commentary of a judicial decision, chosen by the teacher.
