The aim of the seminar is to t encourage students to reflect thoroughly on certain aspects of the legal branch concerned, the theoretical bases of which were taught during the first years of the programme. The chosen topic varies from year to year. It is sufficiently general to be subdivided into about fifteen subjects closely related to a common issue.

Main themes
The students are given two different assignments. They are required on the one hand, to present orally during the academic year the result of their research on the chosen topic, and, , on the other hand, to submit a paper in which they can systematise and summarise the issues raised by their subject, also taking advantage of the discussions and debates that ensued as a result of their own oral presentations or of those of the other students.
The seminar sessions start at the very beginning of the academic year, but the first oral presentations take place during the second term only. During the first term, the different themes to be analysed are investigated by the students. At regular intervals, each one of them reports on the progress in his/her research as well as on the questions and difficulties he/she is confronted with. Team effort is thus required for the sake of coordination.

Other credits in programs
Troisième licence en droit
(9 credits)
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