The aim of the Commercial law I course is to introduce students to the principal mechanisms of commercial law: the operation of companies; banking mechanisms; winding-up arrangements and bankruptcy. The course emphasises the importance of principles to protect third parties and shareholders.

Main themes
The course principally concerns Belgian commercial law, but includes references to comparative law: the profession of trader and its characteristics; trading practices; competition law; corporate law; financial law; intellectual property rights; commercial contracts; liquidation procedures.

Content and teaching methods
The course considers the essential elements of commercial law.
The first part is devoted to corporate law, with reference to the new Belgian Corporate Code. The limited liability company is examined in detail, firstly its creation, then capital, management and annual general meetings. A less comprehensive study is then made of a limited company and a private limited liability company, particularly with regard to those aspects affecting the liberal professions. Company restructuring, mergers, break-ups , etc. are then examined.
The second part of the course considers basic elements of banking law.
The third part is devoted to winding-up arrangements and bankruptcy
.Lectures, supplemented by personal reading of the literature.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en droit
(4.5 credits)
Troisième licence en droit
(4.5 credits)
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