The student must be able to :
- understand and evaluate all physio-pathological processeswhich are responsible for the principal OMF malformations
- understand and evaluate more exceptionnal cervical malformations
- undersstand indications and basic therapeutical considerations of dental implantology and preprosthetic oral surgery.

Main themes
- oral and dental implantology
- preprosthetic oral surgery
- oral and maxillofacial malformations

Content and teaching methods
- Indications and contra-indications, techniques in oral and dental implantology
- clinical description of most frequent OMF malformations, comprehensive elements of treatment principles

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Requirements :
- general surgery, anatomy and embryology, oral and dental radiology
Evaluation :
- Written exam at the end of the first semester, by OSRQ
Support :
- Prof. Reychler :
- Dr Michel Thoné :
- slides, iCampus,

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en science dentaire
(1.5 credits)
