After assimilating notions allowing the understanding of the masticatory system's function, the student must be able to know with accurancy the static and dynamic interocclusal's relations, the actions of the concerned muscles and the functions of the temporomandibular joint.
He must be able to distinguish a normal from a pathological setting and afterwards decide the eventuality of a treatment.
Treatment can be distinguished in elementary or complex treatment, wich includes a meticulous examination and setting in a articulator.

Main themes
- Description and functioning of the temporomandibular joint.
- Static and dynamic mandibular's positions
- Diverses occlusions concepts
- Physiology of the occlusion, interferences and functionals disorders
- Analysis of the static and dynamic occlusions
- Elementary occlusion treatment with or without interocclusion's devices
- Complete occlusion adjustement

Content and teaching methods
After anatomical and memophysiological reminders, the masticatory apparatus is examinated in a statical and dynamical aspects. The various components of the apparatus are examinated following their role in the masticatory function.
After analysing the physiological function, pathological function are detailed. The possibility of a treatment is considered. If treatment is necessary, the analysis goes from precise elementary treatment to complexes treatments where statical and dynamical aspects take place.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites : Neck and head anatomy, dental anatomy, neurophysiology, some notions of psychopathology
Evaluations: written exam
Support: Theoretical classes, slides

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences dentaires
(1.5 credits)
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Deuxième licence en science dentaire
(1.5 credits)
