In terms of skills:
- To teach the etiology of endodontic pathologies, their diagnosis and their classification.
- To develop the objectives, the indications and the contra-indications of endodontic treatments, the techniques of root canal preparation and filling.
- At the end of theoretical and practical teaching, the student will be able to approach the clinical training course and to carry out simple endodontic treatments on patients.
- He will be able to make the diagnosis of various endodontical pathologies.
Main to be approached
- To describe and analyze step by step the operating sequence of an endodontic treatment from the access cavity to the root canal filling.
- To justify the choice of the techniques of preparation and filling.
- To discuss the etiology, the indications and contra- indications and the objectives of endodontic treatments.
- To describe the methods of diagnosis and the classification of endodontic pathologies.

Main themes
- Description of the anatomy of the root canal system and apical morphology.
- Description of the stages of an endodontic treatment: operative field, access cavity, determination of the working length, canal preparation, canal irrigation and medications, temporary fillings, canal filling....
- Description of the etiology, indications and contra-indications, of the objectives of endodontic treatments, the methods of diagnosis and the classification of endodontic pathologies
- Demonstration of the stages of an endodontic treatment by the supervisor
- Endodontic treatments of single and multi-rooted teeth will be carried out by the students with the simulator on natural teeth.
- Each stage of the operating sequence will be assessed by the supervisor and will be discussed with the student before going on to the next stage

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Dental anatomy, oral Histology, Microbiology, Cariology, special and oral Pathological anatomy, operative Dentistry, Pharmacology, Experiment of the rotary dental instrumentation and the realization of the dental cavities.
- Theoretical: oral examination with written preparation.
- Practical: the student will carry out a complete treatment on the simulator; each stage of the treatment will be evaluated.
- Slides, course notes, syllabus.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en science dentaire
(4 credits)
