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Parasistology [BIOL2272]
[15h+15h exercises] 2.5 credits

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This course is taught in the 1st semester


Frederik Opperdoes




Second cycle

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Other credits in programs


To highlight the consequences of the parasite phenomenon on the evolution in general, the specificity of host-parasite relations, the morphological, physiological and ecological adaptations, as well as those on the synchronization of the activity and development cycle.

Main themes

The different subjects of the course are : medical and economical importance of parasites, biological coevolution of parasites and hosts, main cycles of parasites including the aspects of epidemiology, ecological level of parasite phenomenon, parasitology applied to control of dangerous populations. These phenomenons are illustrated by examples chosen in the main groups of parasites : Protozoans, Helminths, Arthropods and occasionnaly the Vertebrates.

Other credits in programs


Deuxième licence en sciences biologiques (Biologie moléculaire, cellulaire et humaine)

(2.5 credits)

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@sc.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006