To study the way big systems function, focalizing on mammals with a strong emphasis on the human specie, integrating anatomical and histological data necessary to the comprehesion of each system.

Main themes
Systematic teaching (90hrs) will be as little "magistral" as possible, favoring self-learning.
1. Nervous system 2. Endocrinology 3. Circulary system 4. Respiratory system 5. Digestive system 6. Urinary system 7. Reproduction
Practical work (30hrs) will be spent studying iconographic documents on the aspects of anatomy and histology and on physology exercices.
Seminaries (30hrs) will stimulate critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and the capacity to outline by discussion, in small groups, of chapters or difficult questions, and by advice on more detailled texts.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites: General physiology BIOL2121.
Evaluation: oral examination, June and September sessions.
Support: syllabus

Other credits in programs
Première licence en sciences biologiques (Biologie moléculaire, cellulaire et humaine)
