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Immunology [BIO1335]
[25h+15h exercises] 3 credits

Version française

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This course is not taught in 2005-2006

This course is taught in the 1st semester




First cycle

>> Aims
>> Main themes


The immunology course aims to give a fundamental formation carrying on the main mechanisms used in immune response. They cover the necessary knowledge to the immuno-pathological comprehension as well as their treatment. Besides, the main applications of immunology in the field of biotechnology are seen.
The course is divided in two modules adapted for students in veterinary and biology (A) and, on the other side, for agronomy students (B).

Main themes

Module A (30 hours) : biology students and veterinary students. The objective of this module is to describe the basic notions of immunology: immune system organs, immunocompetent cells, immunoglobulins, major histocompatibility complex, T receptor, complement system and inflammation, tolerance, regulation of the immune response, immunity in the fetus and newborne, mucosal immunity. Resistance to viruses and bacteria, immunity to parasites as well as vaccines and vaccination, hypersensitivity (types I to IV) and their treatment, immunity to transplant and different diagnostic applications and immunological tests will be covered .

Module B (15 hours) : Agronomy students.
The objective of this module is to give the essential notions of the immune system: natural immunity and acquired immunity, antigens, structure of antibodies and the classes of immunoglobulin, main interactions between humoral and cellular responses. Besides, the module shows the technological applications of fundamental immune knowledge : monoclonal antibodies, immunological techniques of detection and dosage and vaccinology.

Practical work (15 hours)
The practical work realizes the main tests in immunology : isolation of mononuclear blood cells, determination of different immuno-competent cells after coloration on blood smears, immunodetections by enzymatic technique (ELISA) and realization of numerous hemato-immunologicat tests (ABO group and rhesus).

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@sc.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006