The course aims at developing English communication skills of the student in order to enable him/her to function in the relevant social and professional contexts .
- To be able to read articles and reports concerned with contemporary and field related problems in which the
writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints.
- To be able to understand standard field-related correspondence.
- Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
. Individually :
- To be able to understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the
topic is reasonably familiar (field-related).
- To be able to understand most TV news and current affairs programs provided the topic is reasonably familiar
. Interactively :
- To be able to understand most conversations and debates bearing on field-related subjects.
- To be able to understand most of what is said in an everyday conversation provided standard language is being
. Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
. Spoken production :
- To be able to present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to your field of interest.
- To be able to explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
. Spoken interaction :
- To be able to take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining your views.
- To be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native
speakers quite possible
. Level B2- of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- To be able to write a short report, summary or formal letter in order to pass on factual information.
- Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- Vocabulary and grammar
. Vocabulary : consolidation of basic vocabulary and assimilation of specific vocabulary
. Grammar: consolidation of the command of the basic structures of the English language.
The use of vocabulary and grammar is seen from a communicative viewpoint Nevertheless, accuracy is not neglected.Students study a number of files on a cd-rom (most common grammar mistakes, most common vocabulary mistakes, idiomatic expressions, pronunciation)

Content and teaching methods
Content and teaching methods
The course focuses on interactive communication within the professional framework. The proposed activities therefore aim at developing communication skills in that area, as well as improving mastery of the language. These activities, which simulate real-life situations, are of two types :
1) presentation and activation of language functions related to the professional life (everyday socializing,
telephoning, contributing to / organizing and conducting a meeting, taking part in a job interview / a negotiation ¿)
2) dealing with four files which are specifically related to law: euthanasia, human rights, managing a strike, setting
up a company.
3) individual and interactive speaking activities. This part includes a presentation on a topic related to the field of
study followed by an interactive section managed by the student.
These activities require a certain amount of preparation on the part of the student, who has to improve his or her linguistic knowledge autonomously. The teacher will advise him/her in that matter and the Selftuition Center of the Institute is at his/her disposal.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course being of intermediate level, the productive command of basic grammar and vocabulary as well as the command of the language skills of the B1- level as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is required.
Amount of work :
- Contact hours : 30 hours
- Autonomous work : 60 hours
- Classes in groups of 15 to 18 students.
- The teacher is available during his office hours and can be contacted by e-mail.
- Guidance is also provided at the Selftuition Center.
Teaching material
- Course notes : ANGL 2420 Interactive cCmmunication
- Continuous assessment which takes into account the student's work and participation, his (/her) oral presentation and tests as well as his result for the cd-rom test.
- Oral exam involving a discussion (4 students) and a role play (in pairs)

Other credits in programs
Première licence en droit
(4 credits)
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