. The main aim of this general English course is to develop students' reading skills, grammar and vocabulary required
to have access to the BAC 2 course .
. At the end of the course students are expected to have reached a B1 level (Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages) in the 3 following skills:
- reading
- listening
- speaking
. Reading comprehension
At the end of the course the students should be able to read texts about general topics (like the English Language, Mobility, Advertising, New technologies, the Media, Crime and Punishment) with a fair level of understanding.
Level B1 of the " Common European Framework of References for Languages "
. Listening comprehension
At the end of the course the students should be able to understand the gist of TV broadcasts on general, everyday life topics (like the English Language, Mobility, Advertising, New technologies, the Media, Crime and Punishment
Level B1 of the " Common European Framework of References for Languages "
. Speaking
A distinction should be made between the receptive and the interactive course :
- Receptive
Because of the large number of students per group (max. 30) and the limited number of hours in class (26 hours),
proper conversation activities are not aimed at. However, at the end of the course the students should be able to
participate in English (questions/answers) in the listening and reading activities; -read phonetics and pronounce
basic - but sometimes difficult - vocabulary words properly.
Level B1 of the " Common European Framework of References for Languages "
- Interactive
At the end of the course the students should be able to -give their opinion on general topics;-read phonetics and
pronounce basic - but sometimes difficult - vocabulary words properly.
Level B1 of the " Common European Framework of References for Languages "
(1) reinforcement of intermediate vocabulary
(2) grammar revision

Main themes
In order to meet students' various needs, expectations, and levels, two courses are organised in BAC 1 : interactive and receptive.
. Receptive course :
- Maximum 30 students/group
- 2 hours a week (26 hours class in total)
- Limited self-tuition tasks (see workload)
- Receptive activities in class
. Interactive course :
- Maximum 15 students/group
- 1 hour a week (13 hours class in total)
- 13 extra self-tuition hours for reading texts and revising the grammar (see workload)
- Interactive conversation activities in class
Students are split up into interactive and receptive on the basis of the results of a compulsory placement/exemption test taking place at the beginning of the year (see exemption test below).

Content and teaching methods
Code and Title
ANGL 1330 - English - Intermediate level
Year of study
Number of hours, rhythm, terms
Receptive course : 30 hours - 2 hours / week for 1 quadrimester - Quad 1 or Quad 2
Interactive course : 15 hours - 1 hour / week for 1 quadrimester - Quad 1 or Quad 2
Aim and contents
At the end of the course students are expected to have reached a B1 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in the 3 following skills: reading, listening and speaking.
Written exam (2 parts) + oral test

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
A2 level course (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
The course consists in 6 topics (The English Language, Mobility, Advertising, New technologies, Crime and
Punishment, The Media). The pedagogical method is mainly based on authentic texts and videos. Learning basic
vocabulary and structures is supported by vocabulary exercises.
- Reading comprehension
- Reading comprehension activities based on general intermediate texts
- Vocabulary reinforcement and revision in context (via the texts)
- Focus on reading techniques
- Fostering reading autonomy through new texts of the same level in class
. Listening comprehension
- Listening comprehension activities based on general intermediate videos
- Focus on listening comprehension techniques
- Vocabulary reinforcement and revision in context (via the texts) (via the videos)
. Speaking
- Pronunciation exercises in class
- Interactive speaking activities in class (interactive course)
. Self-Tuition
- Vocabulary
Via the self-tuition book (see course material)
- Speaking
Pronunciation exercises via the self-tuition CD-ROM (see course material)
BAC 1 students are tested in the following way :
1. Compulsory Placement/Exemption test during the first week of the academic year. This test is the same level as the
exam. On the basis of the results, students can
- be exempted from the course and the final exam (15/20 < or =)
- have access to the interactive course (12/20 < or =)
2. Continuous assessment :
- M id-term exam (week 7) : students are tested on
- the videos and texts seen up to then
- the self-tuition vocabulary book
- Oral test (week 7) : individual oral test
- Exam part 2 : the very last week of the term, students are tested on the rest of the course.
Course material
1. Course notes (compulsory)
2. Self-tuition CD-Rom (compulsory)
3. Audio tape from videos (optional)
4. "The Heinemann English Grammar" by Digby BEAUMONT et Colin GRANGER
5. "English Vocabulary in Use" (pre-intermediate and intermediate) by Stuart Redman.
The course notes include all the reading and listening comprehension activities (see above).
Training staff
- One teacher for group of 30 receptive students or 15 interactive students
- Optional remedial workshop for weaker students (1h./week)
- Teacher available at least one hour a week during office hours
- Extra help available at the Self-tuition centre and Multimedia room
Target group: 1st year SESP students.
Language : English

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en information et communication
(3 credits)
Première année de bachelier en sciences économiques et de gestion
(3 credits)
Première année de bachelier en sciences humaines et sociales
(3 credits)
Première année de bachelier en sociologie et anthropologie
(3 credits)
Première année de bachelier en sciences politiques
(3 credits)
