These seminars aim to make it possible the student to conceive structures which were the subject of a systematic teaching.

Main themes
- Design of the specific elements of the traditional works such as bridges, roads
- Introduction to the design of exceptional works by their destination and/or their width,
- Presentation of methods of calculation and of special techniques of realization seen the complexity of the work.

Content and teaching methods
Exposed with discussion of the concepts and dimensioning methods of particular elements such as:
* choice of the type of the structure of a bridge according to the actions and ranges,
* choice of the system of supports and joints of the bridges,
* layout and composition of a road,
* method of realization of large-sized structures.
Presentation of exceptional building sites in progress and works finished with:
* visit on the spot;
* explanation by the builders of the encountered difficulties and the solutions adopted as well with regard to the study as the realization;
* exchange opinions between the students and the builders.
Analyzes of case of pathology:
* presentation of disasters having affected works;
* explanation of the causes and the remedies;
* exchange opinions between the students and the builders.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
To envisage 7 afternoon.
Examples of works:
- elevator of Strépy-Thieu;
- viaducts TGV;
- center technical hiding of hallembaye;
- lock of Lanhaie;
- works to define each year according to the building sites in activity.
Evaluation of the presentation of a work by each student.
