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Dogmatique fondamentale [THEO1140]
[60h] 4 credits

Version française

Printable version

This course is taught in the 1st and 2nd semester


Emilio Brito Y Lanzada




1st cycle course

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Content and teaching methods
>> Other credits in programs


By the end of this course, the student:
- should be able to understand the object and the method of dogmatic theology, and to perceive that fundamental theology is not only a part but also a function and a critical elucidation of theology;
- should be familiar with the fundamental notions of revelation, sensus fidelium, magisterium and dogma, and with the strengths and weaknesses of the different recent types of fundamental theology;
- should have learned to reflect theologically on some classical problems (for example, the relationship between reason and revelation, between theology and magisterium), and to examine, from a theological point of view, the principal present questions concerning revelation and faith.

Main themes

The lessons are divided in two parts: the first part is an "Introduction to dogmatic theology"; the second part studies the main themes of fundamental theology. The first part presents the object and method of theology; it also explains the fundamental notions of sensus fidelium, magisterium and dogma. The second part exposes the present task of fundamental theology, the relationship between theology and hermeneutics, and the problem of revelation and faith.

The lessons of the first quarter are divided into four chapters. The main points studied in these chapters are: theology (its meaning, scientific character, object, divisions, unity, and the renewal of its method), Revelation (Revelation in itself and its transmission), magisterium (definition, competence, difference between ordinary and extraordinary magisterium), and dogma.

The lessons of the second quarter are also divided in four chapters. The first chapter considers the strengths and limitations of the different recent types of fundamental theology. The second chapter examines the present calling in question of faith and the new approaches to faith. The third chapter reviews the present questions and objections concerning the idea of Revelation. The fourth chapter tries to determine the extent of a legitimate pluralism in theology (hierarchy of truths, theological notes).

Content and teaching methods

Method: the lessons combine historic, systematic and hermeneutic approaches

Other credits in programs


Première année de bachelier en théologie

(4 credits)


Ce site a été conçu en collaboration avec ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand - Contact : info@teco.ucl.ac.be
Dernière mise à jour : 25/05/2005