UCL - Etudes

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Deuxième cycle
Troisième cycle
Certificats (programmes non académiques)
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Méthodologie générale de la théologie [THEO1000]
[30h] 5 credits

Version française

Printable version

This course is taught in the 1st and 2nd semester


Benoît Bourgine (coord.), Jean-Pierre Delville, André Haquin




1st cycle course

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Other credits in programs


During this course, the student is offered help in his/her first contacts with theology. The main aim is to give the student different tools to help him/her in acquiring some autonomy in his/her work and in bringing together the various theological fields.
By the end of this course, the student should be able:
- to perceive what is a theological reflection, and what is the specific contribution of the various theological fields in the reflection as a whole.
- to understand (not too difficult) theological contributions and to write a correct synthesis of them.

Main themes

In order to achieve the objectives defined above, three activities are organised:
- meetings with a tutor chosen from among the Faculty, who will follow the personal progression of the student; through short written works, he/she will verify and improve the capacity of the student to synthesize and write a paper (1 ECTS)
- "monitoring" organised by an assistant supervised by the responsible instructor. The student is introduced to an intelligent use of the library and to the basic methodology of theology students. The assistant helps him/her to study (1 ECTS)
- an interdisciplinary workshop guided by an instructor. This aims to introduce the students to the job of a theologian: theological work is developed starting from a practical question or simulating a situation in which a theologian has to work.

Other credits in programs


Première année de bachelier en théologie

(5 credits)


Ce site a été conçu en collaboration avec ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand - Contact : info@teco.ucl.ac.be
Dernière mise à jour : 25/05/2005