The objective of the course is to introduce to the principles of fluid physics and dynamics. Such an introduction leads to the analysis of the physical nature and mathematical expression of the conservation of mass, momentum, kinetic energy, internal energy and enthalpy. The equations of motion, from where the Navier-Stokes equations are derived, are general. Simple examples can be deduced to illustrate the general circulation of the planetary atmospheres.

Main themes
1. Physics of Flow. 1.1. Introduction to the Continuum Concept; 1.2. Fluid Kinematics; 1.3. Steady and unsteady Flows; 1.4. Elementary motions: translation, rotation, divergence and deformation. 2. Conservation of Mass. 2.1. Equation of Continuity; 2.2. Incompressibility and solenoïdal flow; 2.3. Mixing of fluids; 2.4. Conservation of a specific field property; 2.5. Potential vector and stream function; 2.6. Irrotational flow and velocity potential; 2.7. Rotational flow; 2.8. Boundary conditions. 3. Momentum. 3.1. Equation of motion; 3.2. Pressure and fluid statics; 3.3. Motion and stress; 3.4. Navier-Stockes equation; 3.5. Atmospheric circulation. 4. Conservation of Kinetic energy. 5. Conservation of Internal energy and Enthalpy.

Content and teaching methods
See Objectives and Table of Content

Other credits in programs
Deuxième candidature en sciences physiques
(3 credits)
