Asymptotic behavior of Wronskian polynomials that are factorized via p-cores and p-quotients
by Niels Bonneux (KU Leuven)
Location: 200B.02.18, Leuven
Time: Tuesday March 17, 2020 at
In this talk I consider Wronskian polynomials labeled by partitions that can be factorized via the combinatorial concepts of \(p\)-cores and \(p\)-quotients. I derive the asymptotic behavior for these polynomials when the \(p\)-quotient is fixed while the size of the \(p\)-core grows to infinity. We therefore associate the \(p\)-core with its characteristic vector and let all entries of this vector simultaneously tend to infinity. This result generalizes the Wronskian Hermite setting which is recovered when \(p=2\). In the first part of the talk I will explain the combinatorial concepts in detail; the second part will be about the asymptotic property for the associated polynomial setting.