Domino tilings of the Aztec Diamond with doubly periodic weights
by Tomas Berggren (KTH Stockholm)
Location: 200B.02.18, Leuven
Time: Friday January 10, 2020 at
This talk will be centered around domino tilings of the Aztec diamond with doubly periodic weights. In particular asymptotic results of the \(2\times k\)-periodic Aztec diamond will be discussed, both in the macroscopic and microscopic scale. The macroscopic picture is described using a close connection to a Riemann surface. For instance, the number of smooth regions (also called gas regions) is the same as the genus of the mentioned Riemann surface. The starting point of the asymptotic analysis is a non-intersecting path formulation and a double integral formula for the correlation kernel. The proof of this double integral formula is based on joint work with M. Duits, which will be discuss briefly if time permits.