
Logarithmic correlation functions for critical dense polymers on the cylinder

by Alexi Duchesne (IRMP UCLouvain)

Location: CYCL07 (MdeHemptinne), Louvain-la-Neuve
Time: Wednesday November 13, 2019 at 15:00

We compute lattice correlation functions for the model of critical dense polymers on a cylinder of perimeter n. We find explicit expressions for these correlators for finite n in terms of integral formulae. We interpret these lattice results in terms of conformal four-point functions in a logarithmic conformal field theory with central charge c = -2. We derive differential equations satisfied by the conformal correlation functions, solve these equations in terms of hypergeometric functions, and find a perfect agreement with the lattice results.

This is joint work with Jesper L. Jacobsen.

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