Message of the Coordinator
Let me first wish you the very best for 2015 and I hope it will bring us yet another productive year for our network !
I use the opportunity to remind you about the upcoming Benelux Meeting in Systems and Control which will be held from March 24 to 26, 2015 in Lommel : the deadline for abstract submissions is January 14th ! You can find more about it here. I also want to draw your attention to the graduate school courses of 2015 and in particular to the Francqui lectures that will be given in Louvain-la-Neuve in February-March by our colleague Rodolphe Sepulchre. You will find more about it below. I hope many of you will participate in these events.
Best wishes to all of you.

Paul Van Dooren
Coordinator of DYSCO
Newsletter subscription

The newsletter Dysco News is the monthly newsletter of the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole "Dynamical systems, control and optimization" (DYSCO) funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office. The DYSCO network includes partners at UCL, KUL, UGent, VUB, ULg, UMons, UNamur, and international partners at Stanford, Princeton and MIT. Subscription is free and open to anyone: subscribe here, or unsubscribe.
Staff Movements and Visitors
- Bachir Daaou, Oran University of Science and Technology - Mohamed Boudiaf, Algeria, 14/01/2015 - 11/02/2015.
- Iutzeler Frank, postdoc, 1/02/2015-31/01/2016. Host : Julien Hendrickx.
- Erliang Zhang, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China, 9/1/2015 - 7/2/2015.
Theses defenses
- Oscar Javier Olarte Rodriguez, Glucose estimation at physiological levels employing electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy and gas sensors, 19 December 2014.
Systmod weekly seminars normally take place on each Friday, 11am. They are announced on this webpage.
Unless otherwise stated, naXys weekly seminars take place on each Tuesday, 1pm, in the Salle de Conférence (room E25), Department of Mathematics, 2nd floor of the Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion building, Rempart de la Vierge 8, Namur. They are announced on this webpage.
Graduate School in Systems, Optimization, Control and Networks
The SOCN Graduate School 2014-2015 programme is available here :
On-line registrations are welcome via this form.
Study Days, Workshops and Summer Schools
UCL Francqui Chair 2015 : Prof. Rodolphe Sepulchre
Local methods for nonlinear science and engineering
February 4, 9, 16, 23 and March 2 and 9, 2015
The contents of this course is available from within our SOCN Graduate School website :
Please note that the attendance to this course can be validated within the framework of doctoral training programmes.
To register, follow this link : (see bottom of the page).
See the invitation (PDF format).
IFAC Newsletter
The December 2014 issue of the IFAC Newsletter is now available :
Book announcement
Stability, Control, and Computation for Time-Delay Systems: An Eigenvalue-Based Approach, Second Edition by Wim Michiels and Silviu-Iulian Niculescu
SIAM Publications, 2014, xxiv + 435 pages, ISBN 978-1-611973-62-4
Keywords: Delay, eigenvalue analysis, nonlinear eigenvalue problems, control, computational mathematics, dynamical systems.
This second edition replaces Stability and Stabilization of Time-Delay Systems: An Eigenvalue-Based Approach (DC12, ISBN: 978-0-898716-32-0), which is no longer available.
Time delays are important components of many systems in, for instance, engineering, physics, economics, and the life sciences, because the transfer of material, energy, and information is usually not instantaneous. Time delays may appear as computation and communication lags, they model transport phenomena and heredity, and they arise as feedback delays in control loops. This monograph addresses the problem of stability analysis, stabilization, and robust fixed-order control of dynamical systems subject to delays, including both retarded- and neutral-type systems. Within the eigenvalue-based framework, an overall solution is given to the stability analysis, stabilization, and robust control design problem, using both analytical methods and numerical algorithms and applicable to a broad class of linear time-delay systems.
In this revised edition, the authors :
- make the leap from stabilization to the design of robust and optimal controllers and from retarded-type to neutral-type delay systems, thus enlarging the scope of the book within control;
- include new, state-of-the-art material on numerical methods and algorithms to broaden the book’s focus and to reach additional research communities, in particular numerical linear algebra and numerical optimization; and
- increase the number and range of applications to better illustrate the effectiveness and generality of their approach.
Engineers, researchers, and graduate students in control and systems engineering, as well as computational and applied mathematicians, will find this book of great interest. It will also be of value to undergraduate and graduate students and laboratory researchers.
Follow this link :
Papers produced by the IAP Network
Hollanders, Romain; Bernardes, Daniel F.; Mitra, Bivas; Jungers, Raphaël M.; Delvenne, Jean-Charles; Tarissan, Fabien. Data-driven traffic and diffusion modeling in peer-to-peer networks: A real case study. In: Network Science, Vol. 2, no. 3, p. 341-366 (December 2014). doi:10.1017/nws.2014.23.
Guay, Martin; Dochain, Denis. A time-varying extremum-seeking control approach. In: Automatica, Vol. 2014, p. 356-363 (December 2014). doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2014.10.078.
Sandberg, Henrik; Delvenne, Jean-Charles; Newton, Nigel, J.; Mitter, Sanjoy K. Maximum work extraction and implementation costs for nonequilibrium Maxwell's demons. In: Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, Vol. 90, no.4, p. 042119 (2014). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.90.042119.
Murdison, T. Scott; Leclercq, Guillaume; Lefèvre, Philippe; Blohm, Gunnar. Computations underlying the visuomotor transformation for smooth pursuit eye movements. In: Journal of Neurophysiology, (2014). (Accepted).
Lara-Cisneros, Gerardo. An extremum seeking approach via variable-structure control forfed-batch bioreactors with uncertain growth rate. In: Journal of Process Control, Vol. 24, no.5, p. 663-671 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2014.03.011.
Tréfois, Maguy; Van Dooren, Paul; Delvenne, Jean-Charles. Binary factorizations of the matrix of all ones. In: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, (2014). doi:0.1016/j.laa.2014.01.011. (Accepted).
Nesterov, Yurii; Shikhman, Vladimir. Quasi-monotone subgradient methods for nonsmooth convex minimization. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (2014). doi:10.1007/s10957-014-0677-5. (Accepted).
Guay, Martin; Dochain, Denis. A Minmax Extremum-Seeking Controller Design Technique. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59, no.7, p. 1874-1886 (2014). doi:10.1109/TAC.2014.2322992.
Guay, Martin; Dochain, Denis. A multi-objective extremum-seeking controller design technique. In: International Journal of Control, (2014). doi:10.1080/00207179.2014.938298. (Accepted).
Casenave, Céline; Dochain, Denis; Alvarez, Graciela; Arellano, Marcela; Benkhelifa, Hayat; Leducq, Denis. Model identification and reduction for the control of an ice cream crystallization process. In: Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 2014, no.119, p. 274-287 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.ces.2014.08.030.
Guay, Martin; Dochain, Denis. A utopic multi-objective extremum-seeking controller design technique. CDC 2014 (Los Angeles, USA, 15-17 December 2014).
Guay, Martin; Dochain, Denis. A Minmax Extremum-Seeking Controller Design Technique. ACC 2014 (Portland, OR, June 2014). In: Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, Curran Associates, Inc. 2014, 9781479932757, p. 5939-5644.
Bazanella, Alexandre S.; Gevers, Michel; Coutinho, Daniel; Rui, Rafael. Identifiability and Excitation of a Class of Rational Systems. 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Los Angeles, USA, December 2014).
Gevers, Michel. Scientific performance indicators: a critical appraisal and a country by country analysis. In: Blockmans, Wim; Engwall, Lars; Weaire, Denis (eds.), Bibliometrics: Use and Abuse in the Review of Research Performance (Wenner-Gren International Series; 87), Portland Press: London, 2014, p. 43-53. 978-1-85578-195-5.
Wen Huang, Kyle A. Gallivan, Xiangxiong Zhang, Solving PhaseLift by low-rank Riemannian optimization methods for complex semidefinite constraints, submitted to Mathematical programming, 2014.
Wen Huang, K. A. Gallivan, Anuj Srivastava, P.-A. Absil, Riemannian optimization for registration of curves in elastic shape analysis, Technical report UCL-INMA-2014.12, submitted, 2014.
Drell T., Larionova A., Voor T., Simm J., Julge K., Heilman K., Tillmann V., Stsepetova J., Sepp E., Differences in gut microbiota between atopic and healthy children, Internal Report 14-185, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Claesen M., Simm J., Popovic D., Moreau Y., De Moor B., Easy Hyperparameter Search Using Optunity, Internal Report 14-187, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Batselier K., Dreesen P., De Moor B., On the null spaces of the Macaulay matrix, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 460, no. 1, Nov. 2014, pp. 259-289.
Verbeeck N., Datamining of Imaging Mass Spectrometry Data for Biomedical Tissue Exploration, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), Dec. 2014, 176 p.
Bourne T., Wynants L., Peters M., Van Audenhove C., Timmerman D., Van Calster B., Jalmbrant M., The impact of complaints procedures on the welfare, health and clinical practice of 7.926 doctors in the United Kingdom : a cross-sectional survey, Internal Report 14-198, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014. Accepted for publication in BMJ Open.
Varon C., Alao M., Minter J., Stapleton M., Thomson S., Jaecques S., Brunner-La Rocca H-P., Van Huffel S., Telehealth on heart failure: results of the Recap project, Internal Report 14-199, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Ignace L.M.M. Tack, Filip Logist, Estefanía Noriega Fernández, Jan F.M. Van Impe, An individual-based modeling approach to simulate the effects of cellular nutrient competition on Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 colony behavior and interactions in aerobic structured food systems. Food Microbiology 45 (B): 179-188. Date of publication: February 2015.
Anna Marconato, Maarten Schoukens, KoenTiels, Widanalage Dhammika Widanage, Amjad Abu-Rmileh, Johan Schoukens, Comparison of several data-driven non-linear system identification methods on a simplified glucoregulatory system example, IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 17, November 2014, pp. 1921-1930.
Koen Tiels, Johan Schoukens, Wiener system identification with generalized orthonormal basis functions, Automatica, Vol. 50, No. 12, pp. 3147-3154.
Maarten Schoukens, Gerd Vandersteen, Yves Rolain and Francesco Ferranti, Fast Identification of Wiener-Hammerstein Systems using Discrete Optimization, IET Electronics Letters, December 2014, Vol.50, No. 25, pp.1942-1944.
Péter Zoltán Csurcsia, Johan Schoukens, István Kollár, John Lataire, Nonparametric Time Domain Identification of Linear Slowly Time-variant Systems using B-splines, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, January 2015, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 252-262.
Rik Pintelon, Ebrahim Louarroudi, John Lataire, Nonparametric time-variant frequency response function estimates using arbitrary excitations, Automatica, Vol. 51, January 2015, pp. 308-317.
L. Dewasme, S. Fernandes, Z. Amribt, L.O. Santos, Ph. Bogaerts, A. Vande Wouwer. State estimation and predictive control of fed-batch cultures of hybridoma cells, accepted in Journal of Process Control (In press).
IAP Contact Persons
UCL | Marie-Christine Joveneau |
KUL | Ida Tassens |
UGent | Margot Roels |
VUB | Ann Pintelon |
ULg | Sophie Cimino |
UMons | Laurent Dewasme |
UNamur | Joseph Winkin |