SOCN Graduate School
The Graduate School in Systems, Optimization, Control and Networks (SOCN) gathers Belgian teams (Partner institutions: UAntwerpen, VUB, ULB, UGent, KU Leuven, ULiège, UCLouvain, UMONS, UNamur)
Registration : here
All courses are eligible for ECTS
Forthcoming courses
Stay tuned for new courses. See Past Courses for previous courses.
Learning theory from first principles
By: Prof. Francis Bach, INRIA - SIERRA project-team and Ecole Supérieure, Paris
Periods: April 1-3, 2025
Physical Modelling for Design and Control
By: Prof. Arjan van der Schaft, Bernoulli Institute and Jan C. Willems Center for Systems and Control, University of Groningen
Periods: June 3-6, 2025
Attendees Instructions
- You can register electronically to our courses by filling in this form.
- If you encounter any trouble, or in case of questions, please contact Pascale Premereur.
Specific notes
- There is no registration fee for participants from SOCN partners institutions (UAntwerpen, VUB, ULB, UGent, KU Leuven, ULiège, UCLouvain, UMONS, UNamur).
- Even if you are a participant from an SOCN partner institution, it is important that, in case of cancellation, you notify us at the latest 14 days before the beginning of the course. If not, you will be recorded as absent but your institution will nevertheless be billed for your registration.
- Registration fee is EURO 50,- per course for doctoral students from all the universities in the world.
- Other participants are requested to pay a registration fee of EURO 500,- per course. However, a fee waiver can be obtained under special conditions (contact Mrs Premereur).
- In case of cancellation, you can apply for reimbursement of registration fee at the latest 14 days before the beginning of the course (contact Marie Joveneau or Pascale Premereur).
- An invoice will be sent after your registration (within 2-3 working days) to pay and confirm your registration. Be sure to be in order before participating to the school.
Other Courses, Conferences & Workshops
- UCLouvain/INMA Seminar Series in "Systems and Control", course LINMA 2120.
The seminars are held in the seminar room, Building EULER, 4, Av. G. Lemaître, Louvain-la-Neuve (Parking 13), on Tuesdays at 14:00. - UCL/CORE Seminar series on "Mathematical Programming".
- KU Leuven STADIUS seminars and events
- UNamur/naXys Seminars in "Complex Systems"
- ULiège/Montefiore
Other Graduate Schools
- Computational Intelligence and Learning (CIL)
- École Doctorale Thématique en GÉnie des PROCédés (GEPROC)
- Graduate School in Computing Science (GRASCOMP)
- EECI International Graduate School on Control (IGSC)
- Graduate School on MUltimedia, SIlicon, Communications, Security : Electrical and Electronics Engineering (MUSICS)
- Flemish AI Academy