Message of the Coordinator

From the comments received from several of you it seems that the study day in Profondval has been very much appreciated. Thank you all for your active participation! If you missed that event, you may have a look at some of the pictures.

Also if you have suggestions for improvement, please send them to Alain Vande Wouver who is in charge of organizing the next edition in Mons (Bergen) on May 24, 2013.

The JojoFest the day after was an opportunity to mix science and friendship in the celebration of our colleague Jojo (pictured here with an authentic cowboy hat received from several of his former PhD students). Again, you may want to look at some of the pictures

(Pictures are due to Benoît Delhaye and François-Xavier Orban, many thanks to them.)

It takes me great pleasure to share the news that Jan C. Willems, a long time and very active member of DYSCO has been named Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS). The inaugural class of 1119 AMS Fellows represents over 600 institutions. Please join me in congratulating Jan for this honor.

Vincent Blondel
DYSCO coordinator

Newsletter subscription

The newsletter Dysco News is the monthly newsletter of the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole "Dynamical systems, control and optimization" (DYSCO) funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office. The DYSCO network includes partners at UCL, KUL, UGent, VUB, ULg, UMons, FUNDP, and international partners at Stanford, Princeton and MIT. It is the Belgian National member of IFAC. The newsletter contains information on research activities (visitors, seminars, publications, vacancies, etc.) related to dynamical systems, control and optimization. Subscription is free and open to anyone: subscribe here, or unsubscribe.

Staff Movements and Visitors


Staff :

  • Yang Liu, PhD, Supervisor S. Van Huffel (start 01/11/2012)
  • Jeroen Bouvin, promotors K. Bernaerts, J. Van Impe, J. Anné (start 15/10/2012)
  • Thomas Coenen, promotors J. Van Impe, F. Logist (start 15/10/2012)
  • Nina Van den Moortele, promotor J. Van Impe (start 1/10/2012)
  • Cindy Smets, promotor J. Van Impe (start 1/10/2012)
  • Glenn Van de Staey, promotor I. Smets (start 1/10/2012)

Visitors :

  • Rob Zink, host S. Van Huffel, visiting scholar, 01/11/2012 - 05/07/2013
  • Hadi Jamali Rad, host M. Moonen, visiting scholar, 12/11/2012 - 21/12/2012
  • Stavros Lopatatzidis from Greece has joined the SYSTeMS Group from October 1, 2012 as PhD student. His supervisor is Prof. Gert de Cooman and the topic is "Robust Modeling and optimization in Stochastic Processes using Imprecise Probabilities with application to Queueing Theory". Stavros obtained a bachelors' diploma in Computer science and a Masters' Degree in Artificial Intelligence. The former from Athens University of Economics and Business and the latter from Utrecht University. During his Master thesis project in Utrecht University he worked on probabilistic networks and probabilistic reasoning under the supervision of professor Linda van der Gaag.
  • Htin Kyaw Oo has joined the SYSTeMS group and will carry out research on UAV control under the supervision of Robain De Keyser. He will stay over a period from October 2012 to July 2013.

Visitor :

  • Paolo Carbone, Universita Degli Studi di Perugia, Italy, 15/10/2012 - 15/12/2012
  • On October 22th, 2012, Prof. Daniel Coutinho (Department of Automation and Systems, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil) will join our group for a research stay until the 29th of October. Prof. Coutinho is working on process robust control.

Visitors :

  • Daniel Ruiz, ENSEEIHT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electrotechnique, d'Electronique, d'Informatique, d'Hydraulique et des Télécommunications) - IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), Toulouse, France (November 14-16, 2012)
  • Michael T. Gastner, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol, UK (November 29-30, 2012 )
  • David Meunier, Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon, Inserm U1028 - CNRS UMR5292, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 (November 29-30, 2012)
  • Fernando Antonio, Maringa State University, Brazil, Visitor (October 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)


  • November 16, 2012 - 11:00 - Euler seminar room
    Samuel Martin (University of Grenoble, France), Coordination and robustness in dynamical multi-agents systems.
  • November 23, 2012 - 11:00 - Euler seminar room
    Kin Cheong Su (KTH Stockholm, Sweden), Power Network Cyber-physical Security Analysis and Its Computation Problem.
  • November 30, 2012 - 11:00 - Euler seminar room
    Nicolas Tremblay (ENS Lyon, France), Constrained Graph Resampling for Group Assessment in Human Social Networks.
  • December 4, 2012 - 14:00 - Euler seminar room
    Roland Hildebrand (University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France), A deterministic optimal control problem with a chaotic solution.
  • November 15, 2012 - 9:00-12:30 - Arenberg Castle
    Volker Schulz (University of Trier, Germany), Fundamentals of PDE based shape optimization.
  • November 15, 2012 - 16:00 - Thermotechnical Institute
    24th Simon Stevin Lecture on Optimization in Engineering
    Volker Schulz (University of Trier, Germany), Shape Optimization in PDE Based Applications.

More info on these two events can be found on the OPTEC website.
Participation is free but registration via this Doodle is demanded for organizational reasons.


Systmod weekly seminars normally take place on each Friday, 11am. They are announced on this webpage.

  • Friday 9/3/2012 - 10:30-12:30 - Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28)
    Yurii Nesterov, Francqui Chair lecture
  • Friday 9/11/2012 - 11:00 am - Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28)
    Ram Abhinav Somaraju (VUB), Stabilization of an infinite-dimensional quantum stochastic
  • Friday 16/11/2012 - 11:00 am - Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28)
    Frauke Liers (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Friday 23/11/2012 - 11:00 am - Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28)
    Nicolas Petit (UCL)
  • Friday 30/11/2012 - 11:00 am - Room R7, Montefiore Institute (B28)
    Marc Pfetsch (TU Darmstadt)
  • November 13, 2012 – 13:00 – Salle de Conférence du Département de Mathématique (room E25), 3rd floor of the Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion building, Rempart de la Vierge 8, Namur
    Fernando ANTONIO (Maringa State University, Brazil), Can Lotteries Exhibit Temporal Correlations ?

Theses defenses

  • Sébastien Coppe, Experimental and theoretical approaches to predictive pursuit eye movements. Supervisor : Philippe Lefèvre. October 26, 2012.
  • Yao Yue, The use of model order reduction in design optimization algorithms. Supervisor : K. Meerbergen. November 16, 2012.

Graduate School in Systems, Optimization, Control and Networks

The SOCN Graduate School 2012-2013 programme is available on-line :

The next course is entitled Nonlinear Control and Synchronization of Large-scale systems. It will be given by Henk Nijmeijer (Eindhoven UT, The Netherlands) and Arjan van der Schaft (Univ. Groningen, The Netherlands) on November 7, 8, 9, 16, 20, 21, 2012 at UCL, Bâtiment Euler, 4 av. Georges Lemaître, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (room A002, ground floor).

More information about this course :

On-line registrations are welcome via this form.

Robust Control: A LMI Based Perspective (with Applications to Bioprocesses)

This course is organized within the framework of the Graduate schools SOCN and GEPROC

Lecturer: Prof. Daniel Coutinho, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Dates: 24 and 26 October 2012

Place: UMONS, Service d’Automatique, Boulevard Dolez 31, 7000 Mons

The course aims at providing an introduction to the robust control paradigm for stability and performance analysis, and control synthesis for dynamical systems based on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) framework. To this end, the course is organized in four modules which can be separately attended depending on background knowledge of the students on the theory of dynamical systems.

See the full programme of the course

Enrollment in the course by email at

Study Days, Workshops and Summer Schools

Nolcos 2013, Toulouse (France) - Second announcement and call for papers

9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems : September 4-6, 2013
Tutorial day : September 3, 2013

Website :
Contact :
Download the leaflet.

FNRS Graduate School of Mathematics and Graduate School COMPLEX

Networks and medical imaging

November 29-30, 2012
FUNDP, Salle de Conférence du Département de Mathématique (room E25), 3rd floor of the Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion building, Rempart de la Vierge 8, Namur
Organizers : T. Carletti, R. Lambiotte and J. Winkin


  • Parts I and II : Lecturer : Michael T. Gastner, University of Bristol, UK
    Title: Algorithms for network analysis
    Schedule : November 29, 14:00-17:00 and November 30, 9:00-12:00
  • Part III : Lecturer : David Meunier, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, France
    Title : Complex networks in Neuro-imaging
    Schedule : November 30, 14:00-17:00

Course description

The aim of this course is to familiarise students with algorithms that are indispensable for modern network analysis and optimisation. We will discuss methods to determine components, modularity, shortest paths, different centrality measures and the dynamics of diffusion and random walks. In the first part, we will focus on path- and flow-based algorithms, whereas the second part will be devoted to methods for the spectral analysis of the adjacency matrix and the graph Laplacian. The last part will be devoted to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and complex networks.


Registration to the course is free but mandatory.

For organisational reasons, please register by November 23 by using this web form


American Mathematical Society names initial class of Fellows of the AMS

Providence, RI - Mathematical scientists from around the world have been named Fellows of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for 2013, the program's initial year. This inaugural class of 1119 Fellows represents over 600 institutions.

To see the names of individuals, and their institutions, who are in this year's class visit :

The Fellows of the AMS designation recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics. Among the goals of the program are to create an enlarged class of mathematicians recognized by their peers as distinguished for their contributions to the profession and to honor excellence.

Regarding the new Fellows of the AMS program and the Society, AMS President Eric M. Friedlander says, "The AMS is the world's largest and most influential society dedicated to mathematical research, scholarship, and education. Recent advances in mathematics include solutions to age-old problems and key applications useful for society. The new AMS Fellows Program recognizes some of the most accomplished mathematicians - AMS members who have contributed to our understanding of deep and important mathematical questions, to applications throughout the scientific world, and to educational excellence."

A description of the Fellows program is at

Contact for questions about the Fellows program:
Steve Ferrucci
American Mathematical Society

Papers produced by the IAP Network


Martin Guay, Samandeep Dhaliwal, Denis Dochain, A time-varying extremum-seeking control approach, submitted for presentation at The 2013 American Control Conference (ACC2013), June 17-19, 2013, Washington, DC.

de Hemptinne, Coralie ; Ivanoiu, Adrian ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Missal, Marcus, How does Parkinson's disease and aging affect temporal expectation and the implicit timing of eye movements? In: Neuropsychologia, (2012). doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.10.001 (In press).

Zein, Samih ; Colson, Benoit ; Glineur, François, An Efficient Sampling Method for Regression-Based Polynomial Chaos Expansion, In: Communications in Computational Physics, Vol. 13, no. 4, p. 1173-1188 (September 2012). doi:10.4208/cicp.020911.200412a.

Delvenne, Jean-Charles, Characterising solution sets of LTI differential equations, In: Automatica, Vol. 48, no.8, p. 1645-1649 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2012.05.032.

R. David, D. Dochain, J-R Mouret, A. Vande Wouwer, J-M Sablayrolles, Nitrogen-backboned modeling of wine-making in standard and nitrogen-added fermentations, submitted to Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2012

Schoukens, Johan ; Vandersteen, Gerd ; Gevers, Michel ; Pintelon, Rik ; Rolain, Yves, User choices for nonparametric preprocessing in system identification, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012) (Brussels, Belgium, 11/07/2012-13/07/2012) doi:10.3182/20120711-3-BE-2027.00019.

Gevers, Michel ; Hägg, Per ; Hjalmarsson, Hakan ; Pintelon, Rik ; Schoukens, Johan, The Transient Impulse Response Modeling Method and the Local Polynomial Method for Nonparametric System Identification, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012) (Brussels, Belgium, 11/07/2012-13/07/2012). doi:10.3182/20120711-3-BE-2027.00359.

Eckhard, Diego ; Hjalmarsson, Hakan ; Rojas, Cristian R. ; Gevers, Michel, Mean-Squared Error Experiment Design for Linear Regression Models, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012) (Brussels, Belgium, 11/07/2012-13/07/2012). doi:10.3182/20120711-3-BE-2027.00339.

Campestrini, Luciola ; Eckhard, Diego ; Bazanella, Alexandre S. ; Gevers, Michel, Model Reference Control Design by Prediction Error Identification, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012) (Brussels, Belgium, 11/07/2012-13/07/2012).

Eckhard, Diego ; Hjalmarsson, Hakan ; Rojas, Cristian R. ; Gevers, Michel, Mean-Squared error experiment design for linear regression methods, 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012) (Brussels, Belgium, 11/07/2012-13/07/2012).

Gevers, Michel ; Caenepeel, Matthias ; Schoukens, Johan, Experiment design for the identification of a simple Wiener system, submitted for presentation at the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012) (Maui, Hawaii, 10/12/2012-13/12/2012).

Anderson, Brian D.O. ; Gevers, Michel, Bias reduction in transfer function identification, submitted for presentation at the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012) (Maui, Hawaii, 10/12/2012-13/12/2012).


Mall R., Suykens J.A.K., Sparse reduction for fixed-size least squares support vector machines on large data, Internal Report 12-164, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012.

Huyck B., Logist F., Ferreau H. J., Diehl M., De Brabanter J., Van Impe J. and De Moor B., Towards Online Model Predictive Control on a Programmable Logic Controller: practical considerations, Internal Report 12-165, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012. Accepted for publication in Mathematical Problems in Engineering.

Dai L., Wang J., Wang Z., Tsiaflakis P., Moonen M., Time Domain Synchronous OFDM Based on Simultaneous Multi-Channel Reconstruction, Internal Report 12-166, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012.

Liu Y., Wan Q., Sidelobe Suppression for Robust Capon Beamforming with Mainlobe to Sidelobe Power Ratio Maximization, Internal Report 12-167, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

Batselier K., Dreesen P., De Moor B., Numerical Algebraic Geometry I: The Canonical Decomposition and Numerical Gröbner Bases, Internal Report 12-168, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012.

Dreesen P., Back to the Roots - Polynomial System Solving Using Linear Algebra, Internal Report 12-169, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012.

Dreesen P., Polynomial System Solving and nD Realization Theory, Internal Report 12-170, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012.

Hassani A., Bertrand A., Moonen M., Tracking of a Rotating Object in a Wireless Sensor Network Using Fuzzy Based Adaptive IMM Filter, Internal Report 12-172, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012. 19th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology SCVT 2012 .

Ferreau J., Kozma A., Diehl M., A Parallel Active-Set Strategy to Solve Sparse Parametric Quadratic Programs arising in MPC, in Proc. of the 4th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference (NMPC2012), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Aug. 2012.

Kozma A., Andersson J., Diehl M., Distributed Multiple Shooting for Optimal Control of Large Interconnected Systems, in Proc. of the International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM2012), Singapore, Singapore, Jul. 2012.

Kozma A., Savorgnan C., Diehl M., Distributed Multiple Shooting for Large Scale Nonlinear Systems, in Distributed MPC Made Easy, (Torreblanca P., and Negenborn R., eds.), Springer, 2012.

Liu Y., De Vos M., Van Huffel S., Robust Sparse Signal Recovery for Compressed Sensing with Sampling and Representation Uncertainties: A Convex Way, Internal Report 12-177, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2012.

Jarlebring, Elias; Michiels, Wim; Meerbergen, Karl, A linear eigenvalue algorithm for the nonlinear eigenvalue problem, Numerische Mathematik, volume 122, issue 1, pages 169-195, 2012

Poppe, Koen, Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Moderate Dimensions: Chebyshev Lattices, Numerical Integration and Particle Filters, PhD thesis, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Section, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering Science, October 2012, Cools, Ronald (supervisor)

Sorber, Laurent; Van Barel, Marc; De Lathauwer, Lieven, Unconstrained optimization of real functions in complex variables, SIAM Journal on Optimization, volume 22, issue 3, pages 879-898, 2012.

J. F. Van Impe, D. Vercammen and E. Van Derlinden, Towards a next generation of predictive models based on systems biology tools, Food Control, 2012 (accepted)

B. Huyck, H. J. Ferreau, M. Diehl, J. De Brabanter, J. Van Impe, B. De Moor and F. Logist, Towards Online Model Predictive Control on a Programmable Logic Controller: practical considerations, Mathematical Problems in Engineering : 23, 2012.

F. Logist and J. Van Impe, Multi-objective dynamic optimisation of cyclic chemical reactors with distributed parameters, Chemical Engineering Science 80: 429–434, 2012.

L. Mertens, E. Van Derlinden and J. F. Van Impe, Comparing experimental design schemes in predictive food microbiology: optimal parameter estimation of secondary models, Journal of Food Engineering 112 (3): 119-133, 2012.

G. Gins, P. Van den Kerkhof, J. F. Van Impe, Hybrid derivative dynamic time warping for online industrial batch-end quality estimation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (17): 6071-6084, 2012.

G. Gins, J. Vanlaer and J. F. Van Impe, Combined online quality prediction and fault detection in (bio-)chemical batch processes: discriminating between critical and non-critical process disturbances, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (38): 12375-12385, 2012.

L. Mertens, E. Van Derlinden and J. F. Van Impe, A novel method for high-throughput data collection in predictive microbiology: optical density monitoring of colony growth as a function of time, Food Microbiology 32 (1): 196-201, 2012.

L. Mertens, T. D. T. Dang, A. H. Geeraerd, A. Vermeulen, E. Van Derlinden, A. M. Cappuyns, J. Debevere, F. Devlieghere and J. F. Van Impe, A predictive model for the growth/no growth boundary of Zygosaccharomyces bailii at 7°C and conditions mimicking acidified sauces, Food and Bioprocess Technology 5 (6): 2578-2585, 2012.

J. Vanlaer, P. Van den Kerkhof, G. Gins and J. F. Van Impe, The influence of input and output measurement noise on batch-end quality prediction with Partial Least Squares, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7377: 121-135, 2012.

P.-J. D'Huys, I. Lule, D. Vercammen, J. Anné, J. Van Impe, K. Bernaerts, Genome-scale metabolic flux analysis of Streptomyces lividans growing on a complex medium, Journal of Biotechnology, 161(1), 1-13, 2012.

D. Telen, F. Logist, E. Van Derlinden and J. Van Impe, Parameter accuracy vs. decorrelation in optimal experiment design: a multi-objective point of view, Proceedings of the 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE22) : 827-831, London, United Kingdom, 17-20 June 2012.

Jef Vanlaer, Pieter Van den Kerkhof, Geert Gins, and Jan F.M. Van Impe, The influence of input and output measurement noise on batch-end quality prediction with Partial Least Squares, In: P. Perner (Ed.), Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects : 121-135, Berlin (Germany), July 13-20, 2012.

J. Sternberg, B. Houska, F. Logist, D. Telen, J. Van Impe, M. Diehl, A Toolkit for Efficient Computation of Sensitivities in Approximate Robust Optimal Control Problems, In: Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design : 183-188. [ROCOND, Aalborg, Denmark, June 20-22, 2012]

D. Telen, F. Logist, E. Van Derlinden, J. Van Impe, Approximate Robust Optimal Experiment Design In Dynamic Bioprocess Models, Proceedings of the 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation : 157-162, [MED, Barcelona, Spain, July 3-6]

D. Telen, F. Logist, E. Van Derlinden, J. Van Impe, Evaluating The Trade-offs In Optimal Experiment Design Using A Multi-Objective Optimisation Approach, Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification : 947-952. [Sysid 2012, Brussels, Belgium, July 11-13, 2012]

J. Vanlaer, P. Van den Kerkhof, G. Gins and J.F.M. Van Impe, Measurement noise influence on statistical properties of batch-end quality predictions, In: V. Kariwala, L. Samavedham and R.D. Braatz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2012) : 250-255. [International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2012), Singapore, July 10-13, 2012]

G. Gins, J. Vanlaer, P. Van den Kerkhof and J.F.M. Van Impe, Extending discrete batch-end quality optimization to online implementation, In: V. Kariwala, L. Samavedham and R.D. Braatz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2012) : 910-915. [International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2012), Singapore, July 10-13, 2012]

P. Van den Kerkhof, J. Vanlaer, G. Gins and J.F.M. Van Impe, Online batch fault diagnosis with Least Squares Support Vector Machines, In: Astorga Zaragoza, Carlos Manuel and Molina Arturo (Eds), Preprints of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS) 8 (1): 432-437. [8th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS-2012), Mexico City (Mexico), August 29-31, 2012]


Abhishek Dutta, C. M. Ionescu, R. De Keyser, B. Wyns, J. Stoev, G. Pinte, and W. Symens, Switched nonlinear predictive control with adaptive references for engagement of wet clutches, In IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, pages 460–465, The Netherlands, 2012.


E. Louarroudi, J. Lataire, R. Pintelon, P. Janssens, J. Swevers, Frequency domain, parametric estimation of the evolution of the time-varying dynamics of periodically time-varying systems from noisy input-output observation, ISMA - USD2012 International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 17-19 September, 2012, pp. 2785-2800

J. Ertveldt, J. Lataire, R. Pintelon, S. Vanlanduit, Flutter speed prediction based on frequency-domain identification of a time-varying system, ISMA - USD 2012 International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 17-19 September, 2012, pp. 3013-3024

Adam Cooman, Egon Geerardyn, Gerd Vandersteen, Yves Rolain, Determining the Dominant Nonlinear Contributions in a multistage Op-amp in a Feedback Configuration, SMACD 2012 International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, Seville, Spain, 19-21 September 2012, pp. 205-208

Kurt Barbé, Wendy Van Moer and Guy Nagels, Fractional-Order Time Series Models for Extracting the Haemodynamic Response From Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 8, Augustus 2012, pp. 2264-2272

Maarten Schoukens and Yves Rolain, Parametric Identification of Parallel Wiener Systems, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 61, No. 10, October 2012, pp. 2825 – 2832

Schoukens, J.; Vandersteen, G.; Rolain, Y.; Pintelon, R., Frequency Response Function Measurements Using Concatenated Subrecords With Arbitrary Length, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 61, No. 10, pp. 2682 – 2688

Anna Marconato, Jonas Sjöberg, Johan Schoukens, Initialization of nonlinear state-space models applied to the Wiener–Hammerstein benchmark, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 20, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 1126 – 1132

J. Sjöberg, L. Lauwers, J. Schoukens, Identification of Wiener–Hammerstein models: Two algorithms based on the best split of a linear model applied to the SYSID'09 benchmark problem, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 20, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 1119 – 1125


Dethier, J, Drion, G, Franci, A, & Sepulchre, R., A unicellular mechanism to switch a network behaviour from tonic activity to synchronous oscillations, Paper presented at DYSCO Study Day : Dynamical systems, control and optimization Kickoff of phase VII (2012-2017), Louvain-la-Neuve, 8 October 2012.

Perick, P, L. St-Pierre, D, Maes, F, & Ernst, D, Comparison of Different Selection Strategies in Monte-Carlo Tree Search for the Game of Tron, 2012


L. Dewasme, G. Goffaux, A.-L. Hantson, A. Vande Wouwer, Experimental validation of an Extended Kalman Filter estimating acetate concentration in E. coli cultures, Journal of Process control, in press (2012).


Till Hoffmann, Mason A. Porter, and Renaud Lambiotte, Generalized master equations for non-Poisson dynamics on networks, Phys. Rev. E 86, 046102 (2012)

Till Hoffmann, Renaud Lambiotte, Mason A Porter, Decentralized Routing on Spatial Networks with Stochastic Edge Weights, arXiv:1210.0128

Louis-David Lord, Paul Allen, Paul Expert, Oliver Howes, Matthew Broome, Renaud Lambiotte, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Isabel Valli, Philip McGuire, Federico E Turkheimer, Functional brain networks before the onset of psychosis: A prospective fMRI study with graph theoretical analysis, NeuroImage: Clinical 1, 91-98 (2012)

IAP Contact Persons

UCLIsabelle Hisette
KULIda Tassens
UGentMargot Roels
VUBAnn Pintelon
ULgSophie Cimino
UMonsLaurent Dewasme
FUNDPJoseph Winkin

Useful links : UCL | KUL | UGent | VUB | ULg | UMons | UNamur | Stanford | Princeton | MIT