TNT 2021-2022 (II) Florentina Armaselu


Wednesday November 24 from 2 pm / Mercredi 24 novembre à partir de 14 heures


Florentina Armaselu (U of Luxembourg)

will give a talk / donnera une conférence sur

Zoomable Text and the Metaphor of Scale in Digital Humanities


The lecture will focus on the metaphor of scale and zooming as a way to imagine and revisit concepts, methods and tools for processing, analysing and interpreting data and for building knowledge in digital history and digital humanities. It will also include an empirical perspective on the concept of “zoomable text” and a dedicated interface, allowing for variable scale representation, exploration and interpretation of texts.


Florentina Armaselu is a research scientist at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), University of Luxembourg. Her educational background includes a PhD (2010) in comparative literature and an MSc (2003) in computer science, from the University of Montreal, Canada, and studies in computer science and philology at the University of Craiova, Romania. She was involved in teaching and research projects in computer assisted language learning, natural language processing, digital editions and interface design, at the Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, Romania, the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research of the University of Montreal, the North Side Inc., R&D, Montreal, Canada, and the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE), Luxembourg. Currently, her research and teaching interests target the areas of computational text analysis and text interpretation, text encoding, human computer interaction and semantic Web, and their applications in digital history and digital humanities.

More about Florentina Armaselu and her work: / En savoir plus sur Florentina Armaselu et ses recherches :

Wednesday November 24 from 2 pm / Mercredi 24 novembre à partir de 14 heures

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