Altissia Chair @ Digital Humanities Virtual Discussion Group (KBR, UGhent, KUL Libraries)

We are looking forward to continuing these discussions in our upcoming session on Thursday 22 April from 15-16h30h on Zoom. You will receive a separate email the day of the session with the link to the session.

For this April session, we will discuss text analysis with two “Under the Hood” sessions by Margherita Fantoli and Chris Tanasescu. Please note it is not required that you do any of the readings, these are just recommendations that will structure and stimulate the discussion on the day. 

Should you want to do even further reading there is a review of born digital archives and quantitative text analysis from the perspective of history in the following article: Romein, C. A., Kemman, M., Birkholz, J. M., Baker, J., De Gruijter, M., Meroño Peñuela, A., Ries, T. & Scagliola, S. (2020). State of the field: digital history. History, 105(365), 291-312.

This session will include a coffee break component in smaller breakout groups, followed by the two presentations of 15 minutes in length and two separate breakout rooms to discuss the two presentations in greater depth. The coffee break is a great opportunity to meet some other researchers working in and around DH, as well as to share your own work. Come prepared by getting some links to your social media details and any projects you think the group might be interested in exploring (or that you would like some feedback on!)

If you know of other colleagues who would benefit from participating in our discussions, please ask them to register here  as soon as possible

Please let us know by responding to this email ( if you have any further questions. 

We are looking forward to seeing you online on Thursday 22 April at 15h!

Best wishes,

Julie & Merisa

Assistant Professor Julie M. Birkholz, Ghent University and KBR

Merisa Martinez, KU Leuven Libraries

Dr Demmy Verbeke, KU Leuven Libraries

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