The Altissia Chair Visual Poetry Challenge

The challenge: Use this tool or any other digital tool or computer code to create a concrete/visual poem.

What is a visual/concrete poem? Roughly speaking, a poem whose plurality of potential meanings rises from the synergy of text and typography, between language and design, between lineated text and visual shape.

Submit the poem to chris.tanasescu [at] uclouvain [dot] be.

Every other week, a jury led by the Altissia Chair and consisting of FIAL, INCAL, and CENTAL literature and/or technology scholars will select the best submission(s) and have them displayed on the faculty’s screens.

At the end of the quadrimestre the three best submitted poems, and the authors will be congratulated by the Dean of FIAL, the President of INCAL, the Altissia Chair and the other members of the jury as part of a public ceremony and will receive €300, 200, and 100 respectively in prizes. The poems will be featured on the Altissia Chair Website and in the Chair’s forthcoming digital poetry publications.

Possible topics:

Global warming/climate change

Political and social injustice

Ethics in the age of connectivity and social media


Underrepresented groups and minorities

Ethical challenges in your academic subject/community or walk of life

The cultures of the digital 


George Herbert, « Easter Wings »

Guillame Apollinaire, « La Colombe Poignardée et le jet d’eau »

Augusto de Campos, « Ovo Novelo »

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