The Online LOT Summer School 2021 is organised by LOT in collaboration with the University of Leuven (KU Leuven). The school offers 18 courses with … LOT Summer School 2021Read more
Linguistics in Belgium
Taal & Tongval 2020: Perspectives for research on language variation and change
27 November 2020, Ghent, Belgium Increasingly, ever larger data collections become available for research into language variation and change, both of existing and new data, … Taal & Tongval 2020: Perspectives for research on language variation and changeRead more
PLIN Day 2020: Linguistics applied to Business Language in a multilingual and multicultural world
Friday May 15th, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) The PLIN Day is an annual one-day thematic conference hosted by the Linguistics Research Unit of the … PLIN Day 2020: Linguistics applied to Business Language in a multilingual and multicultural worldRead more
Bilingualism and directionality in translation
12 December 2019, Université Saint-Louis Brussels Writing in a non-native language, essentially in English as a lingua franca, is a frequent and socially encouraged practice. The … Bilingualism and directionality in translationRead more
Broadening The Scope of L2 Complexity Research
14-15 November 2019, Vrije Universiteit Brussel We are happy to announce that registration is now open for our upcoming colloquium entitled: “Broadening The Scope of L2 … Broadening The Scope of L2 Complexity ResearchRead more
Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Socio-Semiotic Approach
03-05 October 2019, Ghent, Belgium The main aim of this conference, which forms the opening event of the ERC-project ‘Everyday writing in Graeco-Roman and Late … Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Socio-Semiotic ApproachRead more
14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (LVLT14)
31 Aug – 04 Sep 2020, Ghent, Belgium The 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (Latin vulgaire – latin tardif XIV) will be … 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (LVLT14)Read more
6th European and 9th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication
September 9-10 2019, University of Leuven The 6th European and 9th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication aims to provide a multidisciplinary forum for researchers from different … 6th European and 9th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal CommunicationRead more
Summer School: Cognitive linguistic applications to second language teaching: From Theory to Practice
21-24 August 2019, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium The workshop aims to provide interested researchers in the field of applied linguistics (PhD students, PostDocs and others) with a strong … Summer School: Cognitive linguistic applications to second language teaching: From Theory to PracticeRead more
Linguistique générale 101. Réflexions sur l’enseignement de la linguistique
3 mai 2019, Namur, Belgium Journée organisée par le Département de Langues et littératures romanes et par l’Institut NaLTT. Contact et inscription (souhaitée pour le 26 … Linguistique générale 101. Réflexions sur l’enseignement de la linguistiqueRead more