Posted inCall for Papers

Call for papers Annual Linguist’s day of the LSB

This spring the LSB (Linguistic Society of Belgium) will be organizing its annual linguists’ day on Saturday 9 May 2015. This year, the event will be hosted by Université Libre de Bruxelles (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy).

Each member of the LSB (or each person who fills out the membership form and pays this year’s membership fee) can submit a proposal for a presentation (20’ + 10’ discussion). The annual membership fee is 40 euro if you would also like to receive an issue of the Belgian Journal of Linguistics (or 20 euro if not). Further information on membership fees and benefits can be found on the LSB website (

Presentations can deal with any linguistic topic, and can be given in any of the three national languages (Dutch, French, German) or in English. A selection of papers will be published in the electronic journal Papers of the Linguistic Society of Belgium.

Abstracts (maximum 500 words, exclusive of references) should contain a description of the selected topic, data and methodology. All abstracts should be sent to Philippe De Brabanter (, mentioning author name(s) and affiliation(s), by Wednesday 25 March 2015. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 10 April 2015.

Attendance is free of charge (both for members and non-members). If you would like to attend the linguists’ day without presenting a paper, then please register via Philippe De Brabanter, preferably before 20 April. Authors of accepted abstracts are automatically registered.

With best wishes,
Philippe De Brabanter & Emma Vanden Wyngaerd