> Geoffroy Patriarche
> Victor Wiard (compensates Geoffroy Patriarche)
Geoffroy Patriarche
Victor Wiard
(compensates Geoffroy Patriarche)

Students may include the "Social-history of media" teaching unit in their Block 3 programme or replace it with an optional teaching unit (with constant credits).

> Manon Delcour
> Olivier Hambursin
Manon Delcour
Olivier Hambursin


> Diane Bernard
> Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin (coord.)
Diane Bernard
Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin

> Enguerrand Marique
> Alain Strowel
Enguerrand Marique
Alain Strowel


> Olivier Schmitz (compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)
Olivier Schmitz
(compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)

> Karine Dejean (coord.)
> Mauricio Garcia Penafiel
Karine Dejean
Mauricio Garcia Penafiel


> Karine Dejean (coord.)
> Marie Dufrasne
Karine Dejean
Marie Dufrasne

> Karine Dejean
> Emmanuelle Lenel (compensates Nicolas Marquis)
Karine Dejean
Emmanuelle Lenel
(compensates Nicolas Marquis)

> Nathan Gurnet (compensates Nicolas Marquis)
Nathan Gurnet
(compensates Nicolas Marquis)

> Pierre-Olivier Robert (compensates Nicolas Marquis)
Pierre-Olivier Robert
(compensates Nicolas Marquis)


> Benjamin Denis
> Marie Dufrasne
> Sophie Jacquot
> Emmanuelle Lenel
> Renaud Maes (compensates Abraham Franssen)
Benjamin Denis
Marie Dufrasne
Sophie Jacquot
Emmanuelle Lenel
Renaud Maes
(compensates Abraham Franssen)


> Gerlanda Cipolla
> Sebastiano Ferrari
> Milena Fontana
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Tanja Temmerman (coord.)
Gerlanda Cipolla
Sebastiano Ferrari
Milena Fontana
Françoise Longrée
Tanja Temmerman

Will benefit from a course unit of Dutch for Beginners or Spanish in first year: 1) The student who has had less than two hours of Dutch per week throughout the year in one of the last four years of high school; 2) The student who have completed high school in 2019-2020 or earlier and who has not been trained in Dutch between the end of high school and its registration in St. Louis. Additional informations and forms to fill out are available at the Faculty secretariat.

> Astrid De Munter (coord.)
> Pauline Heyvaert
> Nadine Kayobotsi
> Arzu Tatli
Astrid De Munter
Pauline Heyvaert
Nadine Kayobotsi
Arzu Tatli

> Gerlanda Cipolla
> Sebastiano Ferrari
> Milena Fontana
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Tanja Temmerman
Gerlanda Cipolla
Sebastiano Ferrari
Milena Fontana
Françoise Longrée
Tanja Temmerman

Student who replaced the course unit of Dutch I the Fisrt Year by Dutch for Beginners I or Spanish I should follow the Second Year, the same course unit, higher level (Dutch for Beginners II or Spanish II). Additional informations are available at the Faculty secretariat.

> Isolde Boutsen (coord.)
> Barbara Fraipont
> Pauline Heyvaert
Isolde Boutsen
Barbara Fraipont
Pauline Heyvaert


> Gerlanda Cipolla
> Marleen Cré
> Julie George Garkov
> David Leisterh
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Madeline Riordan
> Tanja Temmerman
Gerlanda Cipolla
Marleen Cré
Julie George Garkov
David Leisterh
Françoise Longrée
Madeline Riordan
Tanja Temmerman

Students must choose optional course totalling 5 credits.
If the student chose to replace course unit "Social-history of media", he/she must register to one additional optional course.
Students wishing to enrol in the Master's programme in Communication Strategy and Digital Culture (ISFSC & USL-B) are strongly advised to include the 'Marketing' teaching unit (ECGE1322) in the Block 3 programme.
If the student chose to replace course unit "Social-history of media", he/she must register to one additional optional course.
Students wishing to enrol in the Master's programme in Communication Strategy and Digital Culture (ISFSC & USL-B) are strongly advised to include the 'Marketing' teaching unit (ECGE1322) in the Block 3 programme.

> Véronique Degraef (compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)
> Jean-Pierre Delchambre
Véronique Degraef
(compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)
Jean-Pierre Delchambre

> Jean-Pierre Delchambre
> Olivier Schmitz (compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)
Jean-Pierre Delchambre
Olivier Schmitz
(compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)

> Amandine Bled
> Youri Vertongen (compensates Abraham Franssen)
Amandine Bled
Youri Vertongen
(compensates Abraham Franssen)

> Jean-Pierre Delchambre
> Jean-Luc Nsengiyumva (compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)
Jean-Pierre Delchambre
Jean-Luc Nsengiyumva
(compensates Jean-Pierre Delchambre)

> Benoît Bourgine
> Farid El Asri
> Raphaël Gély (coord.)
> David Lemler
Benoît Bourgine
Farid El Asri
Raphaël Gély
David Lemler

> Abraham Franssen (coord.)
> Youri Vertongen (compensates Abraham Franssen)
Abraham Franssen
Youri Vertongen
(compensates Abraham Franssen)

> Amandine Bled
> Valentina Brogna (compensates Amandine Bled)
Amandine Bled
Valentina Brogna
(compensates Amandine Bled)


> Amandine Bled
> Bernard Leloup (compensates Amandine Bled)
Amandine Bled
Bernard Leloup
(compensates Amandine Bled)

> Amandine Bled
> Valentina Brogna (compensates Amandine Bled)
Amandine Bled
Valentina Brogna
(compensates Amandine Bled)


> Isabelle Callens
> Pierre Hermant
Isabelle Callens
Pierre Hermant

Pour les étudiant·es qui souhaitent s’inscrire ultérieurement au Master en stratégie de la communication et culture numérique, il est vivement conseillé d'opter pour ce cours de marketing (ECGE1322).