30 crédits
Content:First year (15 credits)LFIAL1175 Basic Modern Italian ILROM1170 Basic Modern Italian IISecond year (15 credits)LROM1272 Italian literature and civilization: the three crowns. From the Middle Ages to the early RenaissanceIT
q1 22.5h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Costantino Maeder (compensates Mattia Cavagna)
Costantino Maeder (compensates Mattia Cavagna)
q2 22.5h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Mattia Cavagna (coord.)
> Costantino Maeder
> Costantino Maeder (compensates Mattia Cavagna)
Mattia Cavagna (coord.), Costantino Maeder , Costantino Maeder (compensates Mattia Cavagna)
LROM1271 Elements of italian linguistics