Teaching method

  • The program is a combination of seminars developed specifically for the Certificate and existing courses. For these courses, the audience is therefore mixed: certificate students and bachelor/master students.
  • The courses are taught by a team of experienced in-house lawyers and practitioners with recognized field experience.
  • The evaluation is specific to the continuing education program and will be linked to the participant's professional experience.
  • Students are encouraged to actively participate in the course and to be involved in their learning.


Organizing team

Alain Strowel, Academic Director of the Certificate, Professor at the UCLouvain, the Université Saint-Louis, Brussels and the Munich IP Law Centre (MIPLC), lawyer at the Brussels Bar


Luc Desaunettes, post-doctoral researcher at UCLouvain (ARC project), ex-junior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich) and research assistant at the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI, Strasbourg)

Gaëlle Fruy, PhD student at USL-B

Enguerrand Marique, Co-chair for the Certificate, University Docent (Radboud University), Visiting Lecturer at the Université Saint-Louis, Brussels, post-doctoral researcher at the UCLouvain (CRIDES)

Diana Mocanu, PhD student at UCLouvain

The other teachers:

  • Vincent Cassiers, Professor at the UCLouvain, lawyer at the bar of Brussels
  • Alexandre Cruquenaire, Lecturer at the University of Namur, lawyer at the Namur bar
  • Thierry Debled, Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg (CEIPI), Intellectual Property Attorney
  • Sari Depreeuw, Professor at the University Saint-Louis, Brussels, lawyer at the Brussels bar
  • Fernand de Visscher, Lawyer at the Brussels Bar, Professor em. at UCLouvain
  • Rossana Ducato, Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen
  • Mona Giacometti, Visiting Lecturer at the UCLouvain and the Université Saint-Louis, Brussels, Lecturer at the ULB, Member of the Brussels Bar
  • Charles-Albert Helleputte, Lawyer at the Brussels Bar (Head of EU cyber, data and privacy), Guest lecturer at UCLouvain and Université Saint-Louis
  • Dominique Kaesmacher, Intellectual Property Attorney, Honorary Lawyer, Lecturer at the UCLouvain, President of the Belgian Group of the AIPP
  • Christophe Lazaro, Professor at UCLouvain, member of CERNA
  • Francis Leyder, former head of the patent department of Total Research & Technology, guest lecturer at UCLouvain
  • Bernard Mouffe, lawyer at the Brussels bar, lecturer at the University of Namur and guest lecturer at UCLouvain
  • Pierre-Yves Thoumsin, lawyer, scientific collaborator at UCLouvain (CRIDES) and assistant at ULB
  • Edoardo Traversa, Professor at UCLouvain, lawyer at the bar of Brussels
  • Jean-Paul Triaille, IP senior legal officer, European Commission, Central IP Service, DG JRC
  • François Wéry, Former IP C-Executive, Lecturer UCLouvain, European Patent Attorney

In collaboration with the Centre for business law and society (CRIDES (https://uclouvain.be/en/research-institutes/juri/crides)) of the UCLouvain, the Centre de droit privé (CePRI) of the Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles and the Research Group on Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS).