Detailed programme

The university certificate in econometrics is made of a main module, organised during the first semester, as well as two elective tracks, organised during the second and third semesters. Students may choose to follow the main module only (10 ECT S) or the main module and elective courses from the tracks in policy evaluation or macroeconomic forecasting (for a total of 15 or 20 ECT S).

MAIN MODULE : Every week for half a day during Q1 (10 ECTS )
  • Training on the use of the software Stata® for econometrics
  • Microeconometrics for policy evaluation
  • Macroeconometrics for forecasting
  • Supervised personal research
1 or 2 additional course(s) among the list (5 –10 ECTS credits)
  • Advanced methods in microeconometrics (EN - Q2)
  • Labour productivity (EN - Q2)
  • Methods for the evaluation of public policies (FR - Q3)
  • Causality in Public Policy Evaluation (EN - Q3)
1 or 2 additional course(s) among the list (5 –10 ECTS credits)
  • Economic fluctuations and foundations of Macroeconomic policy (FR - Q2)
  • Business cycle analysis and short-term macroeconomic forecasts (FR - Q2)
  • Monetary and Financial Macroeconomics (FR - Q3)
  • Intertemporal Behavior and Business Cycles (EN - Q3)
  • Time series analysis by factor modelling (EN - Q3)
  • Applied Macroeconomics