30 crédits
Content:Module obligatoire (16 credits)LECGE1213 MarketingLECGE1315 Business StrategyLECGE1321 Human ManagementFR
q2 30h+15h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphanie Coster
> Emilie Malcourant
Stéphanie Coster, Emilie Malcourant
Cours au choix (14 credits)Au choix 14 ECTS (min) parmi:LCCR1211 Analyse de pratiques culturellesFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Véronique Bragard
> Martin Buysse
> Sarah Sepulchre
Véronique Bragard, Martin Buysse , Sarah Sepulchre
q1 30h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphanie Demoulin
> Vincent Yzerbyt
Stéphanie Demoulin, Vincent Yzerbyt
LARKE1120 Iconography and iconologyFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Marco Cavalieri
> Matthieu Guy Michel Somon (compensates Ralph Dekoninck)
Marco Cavalieri, Matthieu Guy Michel Somon (compensates Ralph Dekoninck)
LMUSI1511 Arts and civilisations: music history