Access Requirements

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.
Decree of 7 November 2013 defining the landscape of higher education and the academic organization of studies.
The admission requirements must be met prior to enrolment in the University.

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.

General access requirements

Subject to the general requirements laid down by the academic authorities, admission to the specialized Master’s degree programme will be granted to students who fulfil the entry requirements for studies leading to the award of a Master’s (second-cycle) degree and who hold a second-cycle diploma, degree, certificate or other qualification issued within or outside the French Community of Belgium, or whose prior learning or experience has been accredited by the Examination Board as being equivalent to at least 300 credits.

Specific access requirements


> Master 120 in Economics or
> Master 120 in Management or
> Master 120 in Business Engineering or
> ICHEC Master's degree in Business Management - International Track
> Other Masters issued by the Flemish community, if the student has acquired a total of  300 credits ects:

  • Master of Science in Applied Economic Sciences: Economic Policy
  • Master of Science in Applied Economics: Business Economics
  • Master of Science in Business Economics
  • Master of Science in Complementary Studies in Economics
  • Master of Science in Complementary Studies in Business Economics
  • Master of Science in International Business
  • Master of Science in Social and Economic Sciences
  • Master of Science in Economics, Law and Business Administration


> Hold a 1st (Bachelor) and a 2nd (Master) cycle university degrees issued by a recognized university institution**

> Have acquired a total of 300 credits ects of which :

  • 50 ECTS in Economics and/or Business and/or Management
  • 10 ECTS in Law

If you did not acquire the required credits in Law and Economics, Management or Business, you will have to successfully take an entrance examination organized at Louvain-la-Neuve in August (exact date to be announced later). The passing grade is 10/20. This written exam is in English and will take the form of an MCQ, with graphs analyses and questions based on the preliminary reading of 4 books:

  • BLANCHARD Olivier, Macroeconomics, Global Edition, 7th edition, Pearson, 2017 ISBN 978-0133780581
  • KRUGMAN, Paul & OBSTFELD Maurice & MELITZ Marc, International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 11th edition, Pearson, 2018 ISBN: 9781292214870
  • DAFT Richard, BENSON Alan, HENRY, Brian, Management, International Ed, 2nd edition, 2020. Cengage Learning ISBN: 9781473770799
  • SCHÜTZE, Robert, An Introduction to EU Law, Second edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.  ISBN: 9781107530324

> Proof of English proficiency
Minimum 89 for TOEFL iBT or minimum 6.5 for the IELTS academic (Please note that the validity of the score is two years from the test date).
You can be exempted from the English test if you can prove you have done the entire Bachelor and Master in English in a native English-speaking country.


* in addition to the UCL general requirements
** The degree must be awarded by an academic institution recognized by UNESCO or recognized by AUF (see and
Membership of international networks such as CEMS and/or international accreditation such as EQUIS can serve as reference.