
gest2m1  2019-2020  Louvain-la-Neuve

General ( and specific admission requirements for this program must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university.

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.

Specific Admission Requirements

In addition to fulfilling the specific conditions described here below, candidates must provide proof of sufficient command of the French language (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference).
Given the organization of courses taught in English within the programme, a sufficient command of this language (level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference) is strongly recommended.



- 30 April for Non-EU citizens not living in Belgium
- 31 August for EU citizens not living in Belgium
- 15 September for any nationality residing in Belgium


Tuition fees 2019-2020 (




University Bachelors

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCLouvain Bachelors
Bachelor in Economics and Management (site of Louvain-la-Neuve) - ECGE1BA Direct Access The programme will consist of advanced management courses > direct online registration (
Bachelor in Management (site de Mons) - GESM1BA Direct Access The programme will consist of advanced management courses > direct online registration (
Bachelor : Business Engineering (site de Louvain-la-Neuve) - INGE1BA Direct Access The programme will consist of advanced management courses > direct online registration (
Bachelor : Business Engineering (site de Mons) - INGM1BA Direct Access The programme will consist of advanced management courses > direct online registration (
Other UCLouvain bachelors - No access
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium
. Bachelier en sciences économiques et de gestion
. Bachelier en sciences de gestion
. Bachelier en ingénieur de gestion
Direct Access The programme will consist of advanced management courses > direct online registration (
Bachelier en sciences économiques - No access
Any other bachelor - No access
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen Direct Access The programme will consist of advanced management courses > direct online registration (
Bachelor in ingenieurs wetenschappen Direct Access The programme will consist of advanced management courses > direct online registration (
Foreign Bachelors
Non-belgian bachelor's university degree of minimum 4 years (equivalent to 240 credits) issued by a recognized universityMeet the general and specific access requirements Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal

If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of a maximum of 60 additional credits into the master's programme > Submit a UCLouvain online request (

Non university Bachelors

> Find out more about links ( to the university

Holders of a bachelor's degree, from long type belgian non-university higher education, in commercial engineering or in business management may, do not have access to the Master 60 in Management.
However, they can, after analysis of the file by the jury, have access to the Master 120 in Management or access, under certain conditions, to the Master 120 in Business Engineering (for holders of a bachelor in commercial engineering only).

Holders of one of the short non-university bachelor's degrees listed below have access to the Master 60 in Management with the addition of a minimum of 45 credits and a maximum of 60 credits of additional teaching units (EU) (= complementary module) > List of additional teaching units of the complementary module > Submit a UCLouvain online request (

Diploma Access Remarks
BA - assistant(e) de direction - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA - assistant(e) de direction - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA - conseiller(ère) en développement durable - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en assurances - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en assurances - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en commerce et développement - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en commerce extérieur - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en commerce extérieur - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en comptabilité - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en comptabilité - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en coopération internationale - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en coopération internationale - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en e-business - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en e-business - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en gestion hôtelière - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en immobilier - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en immobilier - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en informatique de gestion - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en informatique de gestion - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en management de la logistique - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en management du tourisme et des loisirs - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en management du tourisme et des loisirs - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en marketing - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en marketing - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en relations publiques - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en relations publiques - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en sciences administratives et gestion publique - HE - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en sciences administratives et gestion publique - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
BA en vente - EPS - crédits supplémentaires entre 45 et 60
Les enseignements supplémentaires éventuels peuvent être consultés dans le module complémentaire. Type court

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Non-management belgian "licence"Meet the general and specific access requirements Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of two prerequisites courses into the master's programme : one course in Economie politique and one course in Mathématiques et statistiques > Submit a UCLouvain online request (
Non-belgian Licence's university degree issued by a recognised universityMeet the general and specific access requirements Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of two prerequisites courses into the master's programme : one course in Economie politique and one course in Mathématiques et statistiques > Submit a UCLouvain online request (
Non-management belgian masterMeet the general and specific access requirements Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of two prerequisites courses into the master's programme : one course in Economie politique and one course in Mathématiques et statistiques > Submit a UCLouvain online request (
Non-belgian Master's university degree issued by a recognised universityMeet the general and specific access requirements Based on application: accepted, conditional on further training, or refusal If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of two prerequisites courses into the master's programme : one course in Economie politique and one course in Mathématiques et statistiques > Submit a UCLouvain online request (

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree

> Find out more about links ( to the university

For more information about transition programs to university, please follow the link passerelles.

Adults taking up their university training

> See the website Valorisation des acquis de l'expérience (

It is possible to gain admission to all masters courses via the validation of professional experience procedure.

To see what management courses are available in the continuing education programme, please refer to: (

Access on the file

Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

It should be noted that entry to all Masters (with the exception of Advanced Masters) can also be gained on submission of a personal application file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration