Core courses [60.0]

euhd2mc  2019-2020 

> Legend
Mandatory Final assignment (16 credits)
Mandatory LEUSL2800 Final assignment     16 credits 1 + 2q
Mandatory Core subjects (34 credits)
Mandatory LEUSL2701 The historical and cultural basis of the European integration   Nathalie Tousignant
30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LEUSL2702 The economic and monetary basis of the European Integration   Clément Fontan
45h  8 credits 1q
Mandatory LEUSL2703 Legal basis of the European integration: general theory, instutionnal and substantive law   Nicolas Cariat
45h  8 credits 1q
Mandatory LEUSL2704 The political basis of the European Integration   Sophie Jacquot
30h  5 credits 1q
Mandatory LEUSL2706 Interdisciplinary workshop Europe as it is thought   Quentin Landenne
15h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LEUSL2801 Introduction to the European information and documentation   Yves Conrad
12h  3 credits 2q
Mandatory Others courses (10 credits)
Mandatory LEUSL2712 Foreign policy of the European Union   Tom Delreux
30h  5 credits 2q
Mandatory LEUSL2719 Area of freedom, security and justice   Jean-Yves Carlier
, Gilles De Kerchove
30h  5 credits 2q