Major in small and medium sized business creation

elec2m  2019-2020  Louvain-la-Neuve

> Legend
De 20 à 25 CREDITS parmi
Annual block
  1 2

Mandatory Contenu:
Mandatory Required courses for the major in small and medium sized businesses
Mandatory LCPME2001 Entrepreneurship Theory (in French)   Blanche Havenne (compensates Frank Janssen)
, Frank Janssen
30h+20h  5 credits 1q x  
Mandatory LCPME2002 Managerial, legal and economic aspects of the creation of a company (in French)   Yves De Cordt
, Marine Falize
30h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Mandatory LCPME2003 Business plan of the creation of a company (in French)  

Les séances du cours LCPME2003 sont réparties sur les deux blocs annuels du master. L'étudiant doit les suivre dès le bloc annuel 1, mais ne pourra inscrire le cours que dans son programme de bloc annuel 2.

Frank Janssen
30h+15h  5 credits 2q   x
Mandatory LCPME2004 Advanced seminar on Entrepreneurship (in French)   Frank Janssen
30h+15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal Prerequisite CPME courses

Student who have not taken management courses during their previous studies must enroll in LCPME2000.  

Mandatory LCPME2000 Venture creation financement and management I   Yves De Rongé
, Olivier Giacomin
30h+15h  5 credits 1q x