Possible trainings at the end of the programme

min-lneer100i  2018-2019 


Bachelor in Modern Languages and Letters : German, Dutch and English





Code inconnu:lgerm2m
Code inconnu:lgerm2m1

Code inconnu:lmult2m

Student includes in his master programme two of the three Germanic languages studied during the first level


Bachelor in Modern Languages and Letters : General->

Code inconnu:lgerm2m
Code inconnu:lgerm2m1
Student includes in his master programme the two Germanic languages studied during the first level

Code inconnu:lroge2m
Code inconnu:lroge2m1
Student includes in his master programme one of the two Germanic languages and the Romance language studied during the first level
 ->Code inconnu:lmult2m Student includes in his masters programme the two Germanic Languages included in the bachelor programme, or one Germanic Language and French


Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Letters->


Code inconnu:lroge2m
Code inconnu:lroge2m1
Code inconnu:lmult2m
Student includes in his masters programme French and the Germanic language studied in the minor
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters : General->


Code inconnu:lmult2m
Code inconnu:lroge2m
Code inconnu:lroge2m1
Student includes in his masters programme French and the Germanic language studied in the minor
In this case, the choice of the two languages (one Romance language and one modern non-Romance language) to be studied is left to the student's discretion (in other words, the language chosen as the minor can replace one of the two Germanic languages from the bachelor without any other previous requirement)


Other Bachelor, if he has achieved, in the second germanic language which he wishes to include in his masters programme, passive communicative skills (listening and reading comprehension) of level "B1+"  ('independent user' level ) of the Common European Framework of Reference-> Code inconnu:lmult2m Student continues in the master with the Language studied in the minor and with the Germanic language for which he has achieved passive communicative skills (listening and reading comprehension) of level "B1+" ('independent user' level )