Major in Biomaterials

kima2m  2018-2019  Louvain-la-Neuve

The objective of this major is to introduce students to the principal biochemical and biological concepts that are useful for developing applications in the field of biomaterials.

> Legend

KIMA students are required to enrol in LGBIO2030 and LBIR1250A except if these 1st cycle course requirements were fulfilled previously. GBIO students are required to enrol in LMAPR2481 and LMAPR1805 except if these 1st cycle course requirements were fulfilled previously.

De 20 à 30 CREDITS parmi
Annual block
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Mandatory Required courses (10 credits)
Mandatory LGBIO2030 Biomaterials   Sophie Demoustier
, Christine Dupont
30h+30h  5 credits 1q x  
Optionnal Recommended courses
Optionnal LBIR1355 Métabolisme microbien et synthèse de biomolécules   Michel Ghislain (coord.)
, Yvan Larondelle
22.5h+15h  3 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LBIO1335 Immunology   Jean-Paul Dehoux
25h+15h  3 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LELEC2560 Micro and Nanofabrication Techniques   Laurent Francis (coord.)
, Benoît Hackens
, Jean-Pierre Raskin
30h+30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LMAPR2012 Macromolecular Nanotechnology   Sophie Demoustier
, Karine Glinel (compensates Bernard Nysten)
, Karine Glinel (coord.)
, Jean-François Gohy
, Bernard Nysten
, Alexandru Vlad (compensates Jean-François Gohy)
45h+15h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal Elective courses
Optionnal LBIRC2101A Analyse biochimique et notions de génie génétique: analyse biochimique   François Chaumont
, Charles Hachez
, Pierre Morsomme
18.5h+22.5h  4 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LBIRC2108 Biochemical and Microbial Engineering   Iwona Cybulska
30h+22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LGBIO2020 Bioinstrumentation   André Mouraux
, Michel Verleysen
30h+30h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LGBIO1114 Artificial organs and rehabilitation   Luc-Marie Jacquet
, Philippe Lefèvre
, Renaud Ronsse
30h+30h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LMAPR2010 Polymer Materials   Christian Bailly
, Bernard Nysten
, Evelyne Van Ruymbeke (compensates Bernard Nysten)
, Evelyne Van Ruymbeke
45h+15h  5 credits 1q x x
Optionnal LMAPR2018 Rheometry and Polymer Processing   Christian Bailly
, Evelyne Van Ruymbeke
30h+22.5h  5 credits 2q x x
Optionnal LMAPR2631 Surface Analysis   Arnaud Delcorte
, Bernard Nysten
30h+15h  5 credits 2q x x