After passing the admission test you will start your cursus with the bachelor's programme in Engineering Sciences [180]. This programme offers a basic scientific formation and a specific formation in Engineering sciences.
During the second annual unit, you will opt for two different trainings in specialized Polytechnics. These specialization tracks aim to enable you to acquire a basic training in two specialties in Engineering Sciences and to prepare you for a corresponding master. Seven different specialization tracks are organized in Engineering Sciences: Applied Chemistry and Physics, Construction, Electricity, Computer Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.
The student has the possibility to replace one of these tracks by an accessible opening minor.
Your Profile
Following a strong mathematical and scientific formation during high school is recommended.
Your Future Job
Civil engineers are present in all industrial sectors: the chemical industry, pharmaceutical and food industries, electronics and telecommunications industries, metallurgy, aeronautics, construction and engineering, large scale distribution, banking and consulting services, nanotechnologies and medical technologies, etc.
They play a role as researchers and developers, are responsible for production or management and hold jobs in marketing and sales (of advanced technological products).
We find civil engineers in departments of finance, information technology, training or quality control, the public sector, higher education, or in the Ministry of equipment and transportation. (
Your Programme
The programme offers :
- a deep scientific formation : mathematics, physics, chemestry, computer science, numerical computation, probabilities and statistics, ...
- a problem-based learning in small groups,
- a training for analyzing a concrete problem, looking for missing items, and developing your own solutions,
- engineering projects management, from the conception to the realization,
- high-level skills: analysis, discernation, communication, team work, conception in a pluridisciplinary context.
Once bachelor, you will continue your training by one of the following Masters: Biomedical Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer science, Data Sciences Engineering, Physical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electro-mechanical Engineering, Mathematical Engineering.