Students completing the major in Artificial Intelligence: big data, optimization and algorithms will be able to: Identify and implement methods and techniques that allow software to solve complex problems that when solved by humans require “intelligence”, Understand and put to good use methods and techniques relating to artificial intelligence such as automatic reasoning, research and heuristics, acquisition and representation of knowledge, automatic learning, problems associated with overcoming constraints, Identify applications and its methods and tools; understand a particular category of applications and its related techniques, for example robotics, computer vision, planning, data mining, computational linguistics and bioinformatics, big data processing, Formalise and structure a body of complex knowledge and use a systematic and rigorous approach to develop quality “intelligence” systems.
> Legend | ||||||||
The student shall select |
De 20 à 30 CREDITS parmi | ||||||||
Annual block | ||||||||
1 | 2 | |||||||
Required courses in Artificial Intelligence: big data, optimization and algortihms | ||||||||
LINGI2262 | Machine Learning :classification and evaluation | Pierre Dupont | 30h+30h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x | |
LINGI2263 | Computational Linguistics | Pierre Dupont , Cédrick Fairon | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LINGI2266 | Advanced Algorithms for Optimization | Pierre Schaus | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LINGI2365 | Constraint programming | Yves Deville , Pierre Schaus (compensates Yves Deville) | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x | |
Elective courses in Artificial Itelligence
The student select 10 credits among |
LELEC2870 | Machine Learning : regression, dimensionality reduction and data visualization | John Lee (compensates Michel Verleysen) , Michel Verleysen | 30h+30h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LELEC2885 | Image processing and computer vision | Christophe De Vleeschouwer (coord.) , Laurent Jacques | 30h+30h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LGBIO2010 | Bioinformatics | Pierre Dupont , Michel Ghislain | 30h+30h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x | |
LINGI2145 | Cloud Computing | Etienne Riviere | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x | |
LINGI2364 | Mining Patterns in Data | Siegfried Nijssen | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LINMA1691 | Discrete mathematics - Graph theory and algorithms | Vincent Blondel , Jean-Charles Delvenne | 30h+22.5h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LINMA1702 | Optimization models and methods I | François Glineur | 30h+22.5h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x | |
LINMA2450 | Combinatorial optimization | Jean-Charles Delvenne (coord.) , Julien Hendrickx | 30h+22.5h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LINMA2472 | Algorithms in data science | Vincent Blondel , Jean-Charles Delvenne (coord.) , Gautier Krings | 30h+22.5h | 5 credits | 1q | x | x | |
LSINF2275 | Data mining & decision making | Marco Saerens | 30h+15h | 5 credits | 2q | x | x |